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foggy eyes


Ralph had a fantastic two piece shed last week. I did have to take a tiny bit off of his tail. I looked at the skin, his entire face came off. A week later, this blood red corn snake looks beautiful and seems to be enjoying his new life:) His eyes are still blue though, any thoughts?

That is not usual.

1. He may be going into shed again. Were his eyes ever clear after the shed?

2. Are you sure he shed the eyecaps? If he didn't shed the eyecaps there are right and wrong ways to go about removing them. A vet can help.

3. If he did shed the eyecaps he may have cataracts or other eye disease. I adopted an older corn two years ago that still had "cloudy" eyes after she shed. I took her to the vet. It was cataracts. I still have her and she does just fine, btw.