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For those of us not breeding our own mice, which supplier would you recommend?


New member
I'm currently paying $1.25/frozen pinkie and even with astronomical FedEx shipping charges I know I can do better ordering online, but I don't know who to order from out there in cyberland.

We have just one 2002 hatchling (ok, 2, but one is MIA), currently eating 2 pinkies/week. I don't think he's ready to move up to furries.

I'd welcome any suggestions based on personal experience with a supplier.
I buy from an online supplier (cajunmice.com), but I only buy in bulk. I realized that no matter which online seller you use, you will have to pay anywhere from $20 to $30 in shipping whether you buy 100 mice or 1,000 mice. Since I have three snakes it really is no big deal for me to buy in bulk, I never buy more than a years worth at a time. So I can justify buying anywhere from $100 to $150 worth of mice, becuase I am only doing it once a year. Haven't had any picky eaters as of yet, but I wouldn't want to risk buying more than a years worth and then have them not eat due to freezer burn....so, far this has worked for me! This is just how it has worked for me, I am not saying that this works for everyone.

Nicole :cool:
The Mouse Factory! Simply the best mice and service for your money.
I use RodentPro.com they have great customer service, great looking mice, and a great looking website! I would highly recommend you check them out.

I use RodentPro as well. I used to order from The Mouse Factory, but once I started ordering from RodentPro I haven't turned back. They offer a superior product by far, for the same price or better.

- Victoria
Hmmmm, that is interesting, I tried Rodent Pro as well, they are cheaper, but I found thier packaging very space consuming and animals not as good quality and were pretty dirty(feces, shavings in with mice, they smell bad too). I am suprised you guys are more satisfied with them.
All the mice I've received from RodentPro were very very clean! I have absolutely no problems with them. I've always thought their mice were bigger and appeared healthier than other places. I just wish they would vacuum seal their mice, but this isn't that big of an issue.

Lastly I'll just say i've heard good things about TheMouseFactory, CajunMice, and RodentPro. I doubt you can go wrong with any of these companies, especially compared to paying 1.25 at a pet store!

I definately would buy in bulk to take advantage of having to pay the shipping fees only once or twice a year.

Has anyone ordered from MiceOnIce?
I occasionally buy MiceOnIce from the local Petco when my supply runs out and I haven't had time to re-order. The mice are clean, fat and look good, but they are a bit expensive. I wouldn't buy from them long-term, only because of the expense.

- Victoria
Been meaning to ask the same thing. I've searched the internet myself, but its better knowing people actually delt with these suppliers and have -good- things to say about em. Annnd thanks for the links. Kinda sucks paying 5 bucks for 6 pinky mice in 'Petland' here in nyc... Especially when your snakes eat about 3 pinkies in one 'sitting' (becase -no- they dont sell anything -else- bigger, just frozen pinkies and adult -live- mice). This helps -alot- and strains my wallet sooo much less.

Right on!
For the poster from NYC, I have a question. Why don't you go to the local reptile show in White Plains and buy your mice there? I don't know how close it is to your house, but it seems like a better idea than paying shipping.
I pay $6 for Sand Valley Farms to deliver my order of mice (minimum order 100 mice). I paid $12.50 for 50 pinkies and $17.50 for 50 live small mice. Why not just tackle kingsnake and try to find mousers in your state? That's how I was lucky enough to pounce onto Sand Valley.
Now thats a good common sense Idea.

Keep your eyes out for local reptile shows and buy your "stash" of Frozen mice there.

Hopefully, they raise and handle them properly and correctly... the usual standard assumption is they do. Hey,they probably do. Mouse vendor numbers are usually limited at shows, so they tend to have the guys with the best product and price as a draw for the present and future show(s), one can hope.
A correctly fed, CO2 dispatched, "clean" low odor product, with hard, sub-zero fahrenheit commercial freezing used (to kill effectively, any "onboard Parasites) is a good thing, and I also prefer a Vacuum Packed product, if I have a choice, but hey, I'm a wee bit nit-picky on the subject.
Thats why I raise my own "primo quality" mice.

Take ones little ice chest/ cooler along to keep them hard frozen on the way home with maybe some "blue ice".
In the Central Sonoran Desert of Arizona, heat is a factor usually, you best be going right straight home with ones frozen goodies or you will have a mess of thawed product on your hands... :( They will go from hard frozen to soft frozen, outright thawed, relatively quickly, especially those smaller pinky packs.

One could E-mail (or Phone) a reptile shows promoter, in advance, and inquire to make sure a Frozen Mice vendor will be present, before taking that long drive. :)
What the heck, go anyways, you can use a new Corn Snake for the ol' collection. :)

Kingsnake.coms rodent vendor list is a good way to find "backyard Rodent moguls", Joe independents mousery.
Beware of the wolves in sheeps clothing, buyer beware.
Thieves / ethically challenged individuals, abound in all aspects, across the board, of the live/ dead stock business. Some are just plain ignorant (proper diets, basic husbandry,,etc.) of what they are doing (producing Reptile food).
Frozen Rodents overall health (parasite, bacteria loads..) and quality can fluctuate wildly, there are the good, the bad (and the ugly?) in the feeder rodent biz. Mousee sick.., just gas it freeze it, ship it. Next.
Many mouse enterprises don't last long, it dawns on them that there are easier, less labor intensive, less odiferous and much more pleasant ways to make a living. If you can't smell well, this biz could be for you.
The fauna classifieds "Original Board Of Inquiry" could/ should be used to check out a Company BEFORE one sends off there money to a "fly by night".
Specific posting rules apply, be sure to read before posting.

Buying in-state frozen rodents allows one to get away with U.P.S. ground service & pricing and, properly timed, it works out to be a next day delivery service anyways.
An Insulated box and dry ice would usually still be required, i would think. (shipping expenses). A smallish order may be advisable initially to "Check out" the quality,service and packaging. Guaranteed frozen arrival can be important too. ("Slow boat to china"... whoopsey..., "what IS that smell?, here you go", style of deliveries).
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My only problem with RodentPro was the mice were huge! I ordered 100 weanlings that looked like grown mice to me. But now I know they run large and I just feed two weanlings to my 2000 breeders to use them up. When I order next, I'll have a better idea.
Nothing like unwanted extra value...

Darn hard to please everybody all the time. :)
You'd think they were selling mice by the Kilo, instead of by the unit, the nerve of sending you healthy plump stock like that, oh the shame. ;)
Luckily, you've got willing mouths to gobble em for ya and they didn't go to waste. :)
At least you didn't go for the million mouse discount. ;)
A little late to add my piece, but I have been very happy with all the mice we have received from www.bigcheeserodents.com.

They have been clean, correctly sized, and unlike some companies, they are vacuum packed. This is an issue for us as we don't get through mice as fast as some of you, and so preventing freezer burn when buying in bulk is an issue.