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FREAK accident!!!

Looking at that made me cry. I hate seeing animals mangled. I hope he'll pull through, but I had a rabbit refuse to eat and starve to death with far less of a reason than that snake. It is an important lesson for everyone though. Good luck with him.
I'm not to familiar with deli cups as I am new to this but, is there deli cups that just have holes in the lide and not the sides? maybe those would be more safe.

You can buy them with no holes at all and make your own holes. I may do that in the future? If you burn the holes with a hot ice pick or a soldering iron, it would be much safer. Again this was a freak accident, which is a very rare thing. But I did have one other person say it happened to them just this week, and some one here on this website was mentioned who had it happen. So it's always a possibility. Not that this snake is any less important but, can you imagine shipping an expensive snake to someone and it arrives like this?
I heard discussion about a hole, but it doesn't look like a hole to me--it looks like it has depth and texture.

The picture is a bit decieving because it is a very zoomed in close up! It is a small deli cup with pre-punched holes in it. I think the snake's tongue got snagged on a burr made by the punch when the hole was made. I have checked out some of the cups, and there are some holes that aren't perfectly cut and are left with burrs or tiny points which can act like a hook sort of. I know I will be more aware of this problem. Like I mentioned before, I normally use brown lunch bags, which are very safe. But accidents can happen when you roll up the end of the bag too! I have felt the head of a snake in the bag as I was rolling it. But I am very careful when I do that, since it's almost happened to me several times. I don't like feeding snakes on the litter!
Looking at that made me cry. I hate seeing animals mangled. I hope he'll pull through, but I had a rabbit refuse to eat and starve to death with far less of a reason than that snake. It is an important lesson for everyone though. Good luck with him.

Sorry about that, but I thought people should be aware of the possibility.
Thanks for the clarification. And yeah, if there's a miniature hook, I guess the snake would tend to do nothing but continue to pull against it.

Dang. Good luck with him.
Oh Jorge, that's awful...so sad! :( It was certainly a freak accident and something for us to consider. I really hope that somehow this little one makes it, I really do.
Well, I seem to see remaining living tongue tissue in the very first photograph. Maybe clip off the dead part...that is outside of his mouth at rest. I don't think anything is going to regenerate itself, but leaving a little tongue tissue is better that waiting for what is left to snag on something again and pull the rest of his tongue out/off.
Yeah accidents can and do happen, you never know what these little buggers can get them selves into. once again man I am sorry to see this happen to your snake. hope he pulls through and continues to overcome his challenge of not eating. You sound like a great snake owner and I am sure you know how to handle these freak accidents.
Yeah accidents can and do happen, you never know what these little buggers can get them selves into. once again man I am sorry to see this happen to your snake. hope he pulls through and continues to overcome his challenge of not eating. You sound like a great snake owner and I am sure you know how to handle these freak accidents.

Well, I hope I don't have to deal with anymore freak accidents, but we do what we can, you know? Thanks for the kind words.
i have a feeding container (its a plastic sandwich box) that has 6 air holes all with very jagged edges. as soon as i get home i am attacking them with sand paper after seeing this. guess iv been very very lucky so far that this hasn't happened to my snakes
I believe it was Jeff Mohr that this exact thing happened to. His snake stopped eating and died. I hope the results are better for you!

Yep, I had a very similar thing happen. In the thousands of deli cupped snakes I have only seen this ONE time. Only difference in my scenario was that his tongue was stuck and he pulled so hard on it that he actually ripped his tongue off. I was utterly horrified when I found it and took extreme care of the individual but I believe he was too injured from the incident and ended up dying. I now look at all the holes in the deli cups and if there is even a tiny little burr or spur I toss it. Sad thing is I never could visually find any reason for why his tongue got stuck. :(

I wish you the best of luck.
Yep, I had a very similar thing happen. In the thousands of deli cupped snakes I have only seen this ONE time. Only difference in my scenario was that his tongue was stuck and he pulled so hard on it that he actually ripped his tongue off. I was utterly horrified when I found it and took extreme care of the individual but I believe he was too injured from the incident and ended up dying. I now look at all the holes in the deli cups and if there is even a tiny little burr or spur I toss it. Sad thing is I never could visually find any reason for why his tongue got stuck. :(

I wish you the best of luck.

Jeff you know, I feel the same way! I can't find the cup cause I tossed it into the wash basin I have and it mixed with others there. But on my first examination I did suspect a rough hole and did not initially find it! I am just erring on the side of causion cause I can't imagine what else would cause this to happen? I checked on him last night and the tongue is either fallen off or has retracted. I am hoping for the latter, but it's probably the former.
I had one pull or cut his tongue off the same way. He had no issues afterwards.
Let us know how he does
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Thanks for posting though. I will definately be double checking everything for burrs in the future.