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Giant pinky vs baby snake


Cute Overload
I bought these huge pinkies knowing that they were probably too big, because they were the smallest I could buy, but I thought I'd see what my baby thought of them when it came time to feed him tonight. Well I think I went too far :awcrap: My baby is 11 g, about 4 months old, and the pinky was 6 g, at least 2x his width. I've been following the Munson plan, so he shouldn't even be on double pinks yet, let alone a pinky over 3 g. I put the pinky in the feeding container with him and he kind of nibbled at it from different angles, picking it up and then spitting it out a few times, then suddenly just chomped down on the whole head. I was ready to take the pinky away if he gave up and went looking for a smaller meal, but since he already started chomping away, I was afraid to yank it out of his mouth so I just watched him try to swallow this giant pinky for like 15 minutes. I think he lost a few scales around his mouth, and he was stretching so far...I really hope he's not hurt and I'm wishing I did take it away from him earlier; if he survives this, I'm definitely cutting the pinky in half for his next feeding :(

Does this look bad? He was so insistent on finishing the pinky, he kept sliding backwards. When he finished, he looked rather pleased with himself and promptly returned to nosing the floor in search of another meal.
I think he's fine. I would how ever give him a couple warm baths over the next few days if you're worried...it would help him digest his meal and make it easier for him. Just make sure his temps in his viv are good and the heat is on the bottom of the tank or else he wont be able to digest it properly. I had a baby look just like this once...3baths 3days and 2poops later he was as skinny as can be...
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll check on him tomorrow morning and see how he's doing. His viv temps are usually pretty good so I'm not worried about the heat, but maybe tomorrow night after he's had some time to himself I'll try to give him a warm bath.
NP, but I'd go 48hrs after feeding before handling him....most ppl recommend 24-48 but i'd wait the whole 48 on this one just cuz its such a big meal and you want to prevent regourge and have him pass the meal with no troubles.
Yeah give your corn some time to sleep off the big meal he should be okay I did this and the right heat to digest his big meal he would be okay. :)
I'd give him 72 hours to digest. In the future, you can always feed half a pink- the snake won't mind. And if you do, it's okay to run him under the faucet for a quick room temp shower! That's a gorgeous baby!

6g is what I would call a large peach fuzzy/small fuzzy. I would be feeding that size mouse to a snake in the 28-30 gram range. I think a regurge is likely. Just so you're prepared. And if you _do_ get away with it- don't feed him that size again!

Good luck- if he _does_ regurge and you have questions on what to do, just ask.
Yup, what Nanci said!!
Frozen pinks snap in half really easily and if you do it you get double the meals!
I think he's fine. I would how ever give him a couple warm baths over the next few days if you're worried...it would help him digest his meal and make it easier for him. Just make sure his temps in his viv are good and the heat is on the bottom of the tank or else he wont be able to digest it properly. I had a baby look just like this once...3baths 3days and 2poops later he was as skinny as can be...

Absolutely do _not_ handle this snake until you see it out and about having finished digesting, and no matter what not for a minimum of 72 hours.
I've always been told 24-48, sorry. On day 2 I take mine out and give a bath so I dont have poop to clean in viv....works like a charm.

Absolutely do _not_ handle this snake until you see it out and about having finished digesting, and no matter what not for a minimum of 72 hours.
I think Nanci is saying in this circumstance where the snake ate too big of a pinky, not to handle it for 72 hours.
Because this meal was so big, this baby needs more than the normal time to digest.
And bathing a snake so it won't poop in its viv....
I don't know why but that just feels really wrong to me.

I would not want to stress the snake, or accidently chill or burn him if the water was not the perfect temp, and if the air in the room is chilly that could cause some problems......
Maybe I am wrong here but I would rather just clean up the poop!
have no fear i turn on the heater and i temp the water at 85 with my babies bath thermometer....he likes to play in the water which is how i descovered that he goes potty everytime he's in it. I put him in when he had a bad shed and he loved it and he always plays in his water bowl....silly critter thinks he's a water snake. Anyways I dont want him to get sick so I treat him like my 4mo old baby with his baths.
I still prefer to shovel the poop personally!

(and with a larger number of snakes, all those baths would take days to do).
hahaha I only have my one. And its not just for poop purposes, I assure you I still have to shovel some out of his viv....he climbs in his water dish drapes his tail over his tree and lets fly. He just likes to play in the water and someone once told me it's a good workout for them...?
Maybe I am wrong here but I would rather just clean up the poop!

I am sorry to say I do the same thing. I just clean up the poop and have poopy fingers.

Some day I may learn to wash my hands but not this week because very true Texas Redneck knows soap is bad only to be used once a year. ;) ;)
And rednecks don't have acces to paper towel or maybe a plastic baggie to pick up the poo with? Than your fingers would be clean without having to use bad soap :p