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Giant pinky vs baby snake

my 2 cents worth: I too agree with nanci. Nanci helped me A TON last year...my first yr breeding....and pretty much everything she told me..proved itself out..(i swear, i'll leave the females alone in the 2012 season.). Like she suggested....at least 72hrs....and expect a regurdge. Also, less stress for a snake =warm,dark,quiet place...away from prying eyes,flashlights etc. Also, just for giggles, i'm a poop scooper as well. Actually i have come to enjoy seeing a nice healthy pile of poo early in the morning...nuttin' better!
Wow, wasn't expecting so many replies haha. Well I checked on him last night and he was just chilling on the warm side (he's a little weird, he stays on the cool side after a meal; I guess that's how I know when he's done digesting), looking a little fat but no more lump! I checked the rest of the viv for a regurge but didn't see or smell anything except for a small wet spot, so I'm thinking it was just pee/poop. I tried to give him a warm bath but he didn't like it so I don't think it helped any.

I'm so happy he made it through this. I'm kind of mad that I was sold fuzzies... Usually the owner is at the reptile shop I got them from, but that day, it was just a couple girls that were cleaning. I know they had pinkies because the price board listed all the sizes available. Oh well. A little more work when feeding day comes around but I guess I got more bang for my buck?

Thanks for all your help everyone!
So I just tried to feed him tonight and I gotta say...cutting a completely thawed fuzzy in half is probably the grossest thing I've ever done...

Sitting here, staring at him slither around in the feeding tub, not eating this mangled carcass and spreading guts everywhere...next time I'm going to cut it while its still somewhat frozen.
You might want to try cutting them while completely frozen in the future. A little easier and less gross :) Probably won't thaw neatly, but you'll be able to freeze the other half for use in the future.
He didn't eat it :( I saw him sniff at it a few times but he didn't even bother trying. He actually pooped on it and then tried to avoid the mess by climbing up the walls haha. I might have to just save these for later and go look for real pinkies.
My hatchling was reluctant about the first cut prey he got. I had a couple of variables going on, but one thing I noticed was he was quicker to take food that had been "prepped" with freshly dish-soaped utensils. Maybe the lingering scent of whatever was on the knife/tongs was off putting? And it should definitely help to cut the mice while they are still frozen. Just make one clean slice with a sharp, non serrated (clean) blade and thaw as normal.
If he just pooped, he might have not been quite hungry enough to eat, after his giant meal. Hopefully you can find some pinks! You definitely got lucky this time.

I cut them in half while still frozen, but most snakes seem to relish the pieces, not dislike them. Every once in a while I'll find one that won't eat pieces, though.