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Guess the hybrids and win a $50 credit

It has nothing to do with "social standards" Carlos. It's about my own personal standards and what I chose to spend money on. I keep many species of snakes not just corns. One of pleasures of snake keeping for me is in the knowing that my animals are pure or that I have exact local data or that I can trace linage. Most people could care less about that stuff I guess and that's ok with me....but I personally like to be sure of exactly what I have. It's just my own personal opinion and I really don't think there is any reason for you to be so rude to me for that opinion. I certainly would not jump on you for having differant opinion than mine. :shrugs:
Live and let live my friend.
Firebug said:
Gee...I only guessed two of hybrids right. That's scary! With all these hybrids being bred I think I'm going to get out corns...seriously. I hate the idea of buying a corn and never knowing if I'm in fact getting a corn. This makes me very sad.
If that makes you see your snakes as not valuable or really bothers you that much, then I think it is best to do exactly that, and place the snakes with someone who appreciates them for what they are worth, and who likes them because they make great pets.
The way I see it.....

I see this as a parallel to dealing with dishonest people. We all know there are dishonest people out there, some are so good that there is no way to tell a person is dishonest. However, we also know there are some great honest people out there. Some people will get completely taken by a dishonest person and then throw in the towel and give up trusting anyone. This really leads to a bitter unhappy person. On the other hand, some with more stability will take it as a learning experience. You accept the fact that these people are out there, take measures to protect yourself, but at some point you still put yourself "on the line" in certain matters because being paranoid all the time is worse than the risk of getting ripped off.

In the same reasoning, we know hybrids are out there, we know some are indistinguishable. I choose to move on and be careful. I still opt to completely stay away from anything Ultra unless I decide to keep a known hybrid line of them and will always sell them as hybrids. I have enough morphs with a better track record to keep me busy. At the same time, I don't fool myself claiming that it is possible to know for sure everything out there non Ultra is pure corn. I'll stay away from Ultras, lean towards breeding animals with a long known family tree, and be careful with new acquisitions. But at some point, I'd rather be put at risk of owning a 3% hybrid than to give up the hobby.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to carol again.

Well said. :) And thanks for the puzzle, it was interesting to try and figure it out.. Guess it shows how good I am at picking hybirds, huh? :D

At the risk of offending the atheists and agnostics on this site.....I must leap up to the nearest rooftop and shout out the following............

God Bless The ACR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

starsevol said:
At the risk of offending the atheists and agnostics on this site.....I must leap up to the nearest rooftop and shout out the following............

God Bless The ACR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can you say that! If you have a snake and it looks like a corn snake and you register it as a corn snake, but it is not a pure corn then what. The ACR is not fool proof.

Get the DNA kit out?
cornsnake00 said:
How can you say that! If you have a snake and it looks like a corn snake and you register it as a corn snake, but it is not a pure corn then what. The ACR is not fool proof.
This is true, but reality isn't fool proof either. Corns in every part of their range do interbreed with related species. As a result, if you catch a cornsnake in the wild that "looks pure" there is also no way of knowing if there was a rat snake ancestor 2 or 3 generations back.

The idea with the ACR is that when there is a pedigree and you can see the ancestors going back several generations, as well as siblings and cousins and many other related individuals, it is much easier to see these things and make a better judgement call about whether or not that line exhibits the characteristics you choose to consider as "pure" corn.

So basically, with the ACR you have some knowledge, versus with WC or buying non-ACR stock you have no knowledge of its ancestors at all. Some knowledge is better than none. :)
Serpwidgets said:
So basically, with the ACR you have some knowledge, versus with WC or buying non-ACR stock you have no knowledge of its ancestors at all. Some knowledge is better than none. :)

I would have to agree. :cheers:
If you buy from a known reputable breeder, who is registered with the ACR, then I would assume you have what you paid for. So why all the melodrama? Anyway, whats this about Ultras having a shady history? This is news to me. I have a sweety Ultramel male, and would like to know more about this. I won't mind if he's got a little extra rat going on, as long as I know about it..... :shrugs:
kimbyra said:
If you buy from a known reputable breeder, who is registered with the ACR, then I would assume you have what you paid for. So why all the melodrama? Anyway, whats this about Ultras having a shady history? This is news to me. I have a sweety Ultramel male, and would like to know more about this. I won't mind if he's got a little extra rat going on, as long as I know about it..... :shrugs:

Can you say Grey Rat.
kimbyra said:
If you buy from a known reputable breeder, who is registered with the ACR, then I would assume you have what you paid for. So why all the melodrama? Anyway, whats this about Ultras having a shady history? This is news to me. I have a sweety Ultramel male, and would like to know more about this. I won't mind if he's got a little extra rat going on, as long as I know about it..... :shrugs:

Here's more info...

And a little less relevent...

Regarding the ACR, my feelings pretty much mirror what Serp said.
Really!?! Ultramel's are a lovechild between a corn and grey rat?
I totally believe you, but I was wondering - is there a discussion thread on this subject so I can read it?

I wish my Ultramel would have been labeled with its extra influence.
Ah well, at least I know now. I have a little creamsicle girl and a prairie rat/corn hybrid that can be his lady friends one day, if I don't just keep them all as pets. No wonder I haven't been hearing much about Ultra breeding trials.
Oops! You beat me at posting! Thank you for the links!

This reminds me, I've been meaning to register my snakies, I need to get to it.
Well, not everyone agrees that all ultra lines carry grey rat. There are some that sure seem to, and others that don't. I don't know if you read the other cornsnake site, but apparently someone found a wildcaught corn that looks for all intents and purposes to be an ultramel. Could be something somebody released, or it could be an example of the gene itself surfacing from "pure" corn lines.

Kat said:
Well, not everyone agrees that all ultra lines carry grey rat. There are some that sure seem to, and others that don't. I don't know if you read the other cornsnake site, but apparently someone found a wildcaught corn that looks for all intents and purposes to be an ultramel. Could be something somebody released, or it could be an example of the gene itself surfacing from "pure" corn lines.


Yes, but the problem lies in how we would tell the difference. I have a strong feeling that they are all grey rat crosses, but I don't have any more "proof" than those claiming some are pure. Taking a look into the history of the gene, it sure leans in a shady direction. Hence, that was the point of this entire thread/poll. Even if some were pure, (which IMO is a big "if") it would be impossible to separate the sheep from the goats. :shrugs: Even by tracing the lines you end up at someone who was known for crossing grey rats into corns.
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Kat said:
Well, not everyone agrees that all ultra lines carry grey rat. There are some that sure seem to, and others that don't. I don't know if you read the other cornsnake site, but apparently someone found a wildcaught corn that looks for all intents and purposes to be an ultramel. Could be something somebody released, or it could be an example of the gene itself surfacing from "pure" corn lines.

I agree with this statement. There are those that say since there is no proof, or no immediate proof that their Ultra Based Corn has Gray Rat in them, but no knowledge of nothing is nothing. There is one thing for sure, there is no proof that any Ultra doesn’t have Gray Rat in them. I would love to see photos of the Ultras that are Pure Corn that were bought from Mike Falcon. Nobody will post photos of them, because they look like hybrids. Check out the ones in this photos. Do you think they are pure Corn? They were told they were when they bought them. Mike Falcon said that he bred the Ultras X Gray Rats, Barr, not only bred them to Gray Rats and sold hybrids, but sold them as Pure Corns to several people too, and Shivers also said that they have Gray Rat in them. They all three said they were pure Corns at one time or another too.

I always find it amazing that some people will say that some Ultras do not have Gray Rat in them simple because they were not told they do by the person they happen to buy them from. They could buy a 50/50 Gray Rat/Corn Ultramel and they will say that it is pure Corn, because they were not told they were a hybrid. Now we get into the 25/75 hybrids, 12/88, 6/94, and 3/97 and they will swear they are pure, because somebody 10 years ago did not pass on that information. The entire history of the Ultra line has had Gray Rat stories pop up, over and over, year after year.

The fact is that Mike Falcon and Mike Shivers stories about the origins of the Ultras have changed a few times. If they were pure Corn all the way, this wouldn’t have happened. There is no doubt that they bred them to Gray Rats, but Falcon says that he bred them to Corns too. How can we tell the difference today? We can not. They happen to slip up at one time or another to the wrong person and the forgot to keep their secrete. It is very easy to remember the truth, but lies can be forgotten and the truth surfaces. When they are question about why they told people they were pure Corn and now we find out there was Gray Rat in them, they start back peddling and scramble to cover their ass. Shivers got out of snakes altogether, before the true came out. People have actually said that the only reason he said they have Gray Rat in them, is because he is jealous of them being so popular and regrets getting out of them, so he is trying to devalue them. WHAT! Maybe he just doesn’t care any more and told the truth.

The original “Carrier” of the Ultra gene was wild caught and did not look like a pure Corn to begin with. I never really thought about the possibility of the Gray Rat being the Ultra carrier, but what if they first saw the Ultramel or Ultra gene, when they bred them to the Snows? They would assume, that the gene came from the original “Carrier”, but that would not necessarily be the case. The Ultra gene could have just matched up with the Amel gene in the snow and presto, Ultramels. Mike Falcon doesn’t have a clue how the Ultra genes are passed on even today and really doesn‘t have a clue what an Ultramel really is. If he doesn’t have a clue today, do you think he did when he saw his first Ultramel? Read the Ultra Mystery Thread as it happened and make up your own mind.

I fully believe that the Ultra line did have Gray Rat in them in the beginning, but I also believe they are just as pure as any other mutant Corn snake out there today. Creamcicles and the Ultramels have been shipped around the country and bred into almost everything and sold as pure Corns. We are talking about Mutant Corns, not Wild Caught Corns. People are so hung up on their mutants having to be pure, so why don’t they just get Corns from wild caught stock. There is no proof that some Rat Blood is not in them either, but at least you would know they came from wild caught stock. “But I like the mutants“ Me too, and if they didn‘t exist this forum wouldn‘t exist either. We have been breeding Corns for around 30 years and we have not been keeping records for just as long. Hundreds of thousands of Corns have been bought and sold, and the records have not been past on. Thousand of people have came and gone and many of them produced Hybrids. Where are their ancestors now? In our Corn Snake gene pool, but since we don’t know for sure, our Corn Snake Mutants are pure Corns right?

I read thought he thread on the other forum. It does look like an Ultramel. Finding an Amel carrier or Ultra Carrier in the wild would be one in a million, but finding one with both genes, would be about one in a Gazillion. It will be interesting to see what it proves to be.


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    Ultra Hypo 2 Het Motley.JPG
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There's another possibility regarding the purported WC ultramel: it could be an example of a hybrid or "natural intergrade" with the local gulf hammock rats, which are basically gray rats.

It's not quite clear to me whether the gulf hammocks are supposed to be a subspecies of gray rat, or an intergrade between gray rat and yellow rat, but no matter which theory you subscribe to, there are "gray rats" in the area where that corn was found. ;)
Joe, I can't rep you enough. Again I thank you for your input.

Interesting pic, I can imagine if it where lightened enough to be accurate, the snake would look a hell of a lot like my Rusty Frosted(50/50).

As far as all of them being indistinguishable, they are not all there yet. Time after time I see Ultras with smaller than normal saddles, high saddle count, the ever apparent three pronged head pattern, a section of "eye liner" line on their head markings missing, and an eerie yellow cast. Any of these by itself would be overlooked as variation, but seeing so many that display all the signs leads me to disagree with the statement that they are the same percentage of "pure" as everything else out there. But I don't fool myself that everything else is pure either.


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This has me very intrested, and in some sense really disappointed about Carol's findings, sort of set my personal belief's on end.. I have a few animals I want to test breed in a few years..

These pictures do not do justice I feel, a lot of people will scream hypo, but in r/l this looks way different than a hypo.. No three pronged crown eithier, but it does not mean it might not have grey rat history somewheres..



I really suspect this came from the same lines as the above.. Ultramel? Again, some of these animals need to be seen to be fully appreciated..


Another one...


Highly suspected Ultramel anery..



The head pattern makes me think corn, the head pattern might be one way to guess the roots, but I don't think it is 100% positive eithier ( like any corn or rat snake, it varies ).. The above animals came from the same breeder as well..

Regards... Tim of T and J
Added: The saddle pattern on my animals looks way different than yours .. I am actually hoping that Trev will post a pic of one his animals he got from the same breeder I got mine...