Thanks everyone.
Really appreciate the nice thoughts and the compliments on the babies.
Well, last baby left its egg yesterday, on the 15th.
Here are some more photos...
-First photo is of #9 and it looks like s/he thinks s/he is a Ball Python.:grin01:
-Second photo is just a nice shot of #12.
-Third photo is a small group shot and has the Lavender Stripe in it.
-Fourth photo is of the last baby, #17, which turned out not to be striped but is still beautiful. Unfortunately, it does have two, or 3(?), small kinks. This one will be given a chance to see if the small kinks resolve themselves. If not, s/he could make a nice pet for someone (if I can find him/her a home). Figures that all babies are perfect except for the two Lavenders.
At least the rest of the clutch turned out perfect.
Great babies from some nice parents (parents are Serpenco x Hume).