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Hatching! Poss. Plasma Stripe (Hypo?) Clutch

What does the stripe across the nose look like? I believe that it's thinner in a Stripe than a normal snake.

Typically, they are.
This one looks to have approx. the same thickness/thinness as the Striped one. Maybe juuust a hair thicker ... I think ... but about the same.
Congrats on the beautiful babies! Sorry about the lava kinked one...so sad. Hope for the best on the last one. Good luck with the rest of them. x-my fingers for you. My Rose is laying her second clutch of eggs right now, and so I am hoping her first clutch will start pipping soon.
Thanks everyone.:) Really appreciate the nice thoughts and the compliments on the babies.

Well, last baby left its egg yesterday, on the 15th.
Here are some more photos...
-First photo is of #9 and it looks like s/he thinks s/he is a Ball Python.:grin01:
-Second photo is just a nice shot of #12.
-Third photo is a small group shot and has the Lavender Stripe in it.
-Fourth photo is of the last baby, #17, which turned out not to be striped but is still beautiful. Unfortunately, it does have two, or 3(?), small kinks. This one will be given a chance to see if the small kinks resolve themselves. If not, s/he could make a nice pet for someone (if I can find him/her a home). Figures that all babies are perfect except for the two Lavenders.
At least the rest of the clutch turned out perfect.:) Great babies from some nice parents (parents are Serpenco x Hume).


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