New member
I don't see any reason not to try again now.
If the pink half is unbearably messy, I think you'd be okay to go with a head and shoulders. Cut it right behind the forelegs while frozen. Then if that goes okay, you could do the rear half the next time, or even better, another head and shoulders, then a rear half, then a rear half. I think the lengthwise pinks get extra-messy because they are so juicy. Which is kind of the idea...If you do the front section, slit the head and a few slits around the neck, too. Then dab the open end in NB. So it is white. Then- if she is not scared, maybe you can steer her toward the nose. Or just hope for the best...I've had snakes get stuck all the time. They don't care. But they mostly always eat.
Oh no! ((Steph)) You did all you could, it sounds like there was something wrong inside of her & she may have just hatched that way.