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Hatchlings: Hypo Cinders + Others!!

Congrats Torsten!!! Is that the clutch with the hypo charcoal cinder? Way cool!
Can't wait to see pics after their first shed!
Excellent start!
Congrats Torsten!!! Is that the clutch with the hypo charcoal cinder? Way cool!
Can't wait to see pics after their first shed!
Excellent start!
Yep, I think so, but I'll wait until they have shed and I can have another close look to confirm that!
Next clutches due next weekend! :D
Congrats Torsten! They're all adorable. And what an interesting pairing in the first place! Can't wait to see more pics after their first shed. ;)
That is a SERIOUSLY beautiful pile of babies :eek::bowdown::spinner: Can't wait to so post shed pics!
Thanks all! :cheers:
I'll take some more photos when they have all shed and I'll try and do some decent progression threads on any keepers! ;)
Hypo het Charcoal Cinder X Hypo Het Charcoal Cinder

Never been into the Cinder morph much, but I cant wait to see a hypo cinder charcoal. I tend to prefer the non red or orange snakes and lean more towards the greys, lavenders, and blacks.

Waiting patiently for post shed pics and many updates!

Great pairing!