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Hatchlings: Hypo Cinders + Others!!

Dear Torsten,
First you buy up all of the most beautiful snakes in America. And now you hatch out these beauties?
I think I hate you a little.
Your friend,
Just kidding! Congrats, Torsten!

Could there possibly be cinder charcoals and cinder hypo charcoals? Oh my! I have a thing for the grey colored corns!

EDITED: How dumb of me, they all have to be hypo based to start with...another ohhh myyyy!

So hypo charcoals and hypo cinder charcoals! Sweet!
Ok, I think we have 2 Hypo Cinders and 2 Hypo Charcoal Cinders from this clutch!!! :D Sorry, no more pictures yet...
Wow Torsten, beautiful. I can't wait to see how these look when they grow larger. Any Charcoal Cinders? I am curious about that combo as well. You are one lucky guy!!
Wow Torsten, beautiful. I can't wait to see how these look when they grow larger. Any Charcoal Cinders? I am curious about that combo as well. You are one lucky guy!!
Thanks! I think that I'll be keeping back a couple from this clutch so I'll try and keep the pictures coming!
No Charcoal Cinders as both parents were homo Hypo.
Hypo Cinders..... *droooool*
Please Torsten, send some of your good luck over to Finland too. Ok? I'd want all my snakes' hets to get proven too. :D