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Have you noticed the changes on the forum?

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I joined in Feburary of this year. My problem is how some comments are made that attack the person. A new person, not knowing their way around or just curious will ask a questions about, say, cohabitation (I pick this one because it generations the most vitrol responses) and most of the responses emotional attack the person abilities as human and snake keeper. Responses need to be made so they don't personnally cut the asker to pieces.

We all should be able to voice our opinions without crushing the interest of the newbies.
I joined in Feburary of this year. My problem is how some comments are made that attack the person. A new person, not knowing their way around or just curious will ask a questions about, say, cohabitation (I pick this one because it generations the most vitrol responses) and most of the responses emotional attack the person abilities as human and snake keeper. Responses need to be made so they don't personnally cut the asker to pieces.

We all should be able to voice our opinions without crushing the interest of the newbies.

Well said. Argue the issue, not the person. :cheers:

We all should be able to voice our opinions without crushing the interest of the newbies.

I agree. I'd much rather read a few racy comments than see a newbie get tarred and feathered for keeping two snakes in the same tub or asking where to buy corn snake eggs for incubating.

At least sexual harassment is fun. :D
The slippery slope argument is a pretty common logical fallacy, and I'd just like to say that I'm always wary when people write a general complaint saying "It's not too bad now, but we've gotta DO something before it does get that bad!" That kind of reaction usually ends up with unintended consequences.

As far as younger kids go, I really don't understand why people use that as a reason to censor themselves. About the only kids I can see parroting what is said without regard to source are toddler age - most teenagers are very specific. Encouragement to use profanity is a peer sourced thing, not a random forum thing. Either that or a rebellion against parental sensibilities, which also has nothing to do with an internet forum.

That said, I always find it interesting when people create a thread like the photo thread and sexual comments start coming out. It seems mildly disrespectful unless someone invites that sort of thing. In the case of text based communication, it is extremely easy to offend someone so extra care should be taken.

Dean, regarding your sentiment about the forum's recent postings regarding basic husbandry or irrelevant chatting, that's part of growing when it comes to the internet. I belong to a similar forum for fish keeping that has members just as knowledgeable and experienced as the keepers here and the forum is in the same state. When I started investigating care for a corn snake, this forum was the first return on my searches. It's also very helpful and open to new keepers. Exactly like that fishkeeping site. Because of this, you'll always have new people asking the same questions (I got tired of answering the same cycling questions for aquariums and don't post in those threads any more, especially since that site has an incredibly detailed article about the nitrogen cycle that most people seem to ignore when 'maeking poast') and also, you'll have those same new people wanting to get to know all the people here and starting/posting in threads that have come oft before. About the only way to avoid this is to become an unwelcoming and hostile to new people community, which is not something that I think cs.com wants to be. About all you can do is post in the threads you're interested in and ignore the rest.
Heh...it's funny to see people worried about 13-year-olds. Have you heard junior high kids talk lately? :shrugs: They know and say things that could make a sailor blush!

I already addressed that earlier. Do you expect that they just woke up one day and started saying those things without having ever heard them before? Besides, the fact that some younger kids already have bad behaviors, that I would submit were probably picked up from being exposed to it earlier in life, doesn't mean we just throw up our hands and start acting however we want. Babies don't come out of the womb cursing, or do they? So they have to learn it somewhere. The more someone is exposed to, naturally, the more likely they are to incorporate it into the way they project themselves. And before I hear the argument from anyone (I'm not singling you out) that if they don't hear it here, they'll just hear it somewhere else, that shouldn't matter one bit. That's the same kind of attitude as saying that my one vote doesn't count in a democratic election. Let's don't get into a debate about politics, that's just to illustrate my point. If everyone, or at least more folks, started taking an attitude of no-tolerance, maybe we wouldn't even be able to say "Have you heard how junior high schoolers talk these days?" I know that a lot of how kids behave comes from their home environment, but should we just add fuel to the fire OR should we be responsible and try to always provide them a decent model of conduct to look up to?

texastailfeathers said:
I don't see the crudeness anywhere but in the Chit-Chat forum. And come on...what do you expect in a thread entitled Tats & Piercings or Forget the snakes... ??? "Lovely ink, old chap. The dragon's colors really complement your eyes" or "I love the nude goddess on your bicep. You must be a Botticelli fan too!" :shrugs:

Of course you can make it look petty when you provide an extreme example. Mature communication between adults never sounds like how you misrepresent it. Nor does it have to be anywhere near as benign as you suggest in order to be acceptable. Nothing I have even mentioned in this thread referred to the Tats and Piercings thread and do I expect a thread where members post their photos to give other members an idea of who they are talking to, to sink to the level of commenting on member's breasts or directly stating that they would have sex with another member given the opportunity? No. I do NOT expect that.
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Given the opportunity, I'd have sex with some forum member's piercings, but I'm weird that way. :sidestep:

Lots of great points. People agreeing and disagreeing just like a slice of everyday life. I agree on some of the points, at least with regards to posts that get too far out of hand. Having said that I think there is a place for threads like Calivik started. You become a community by meshing personalities. Whether it is seeing the folks you chat to or hearing how their day went or just needing someone to listen, that adds to the community and at the same time helps you form some semblance of a relationship with the members of said community. Like desertanimal pointed out even well intended threads can turn down a murky path with a couple questionable posts.

I guess throwing in my $.02 (probably worth far less with the devaluation of the dollar) I think the focus should be on posts rather than of entire threads. Roy Munson, Susan, mbdorfer for what its worth I think you all do a pretty decorous job given the monumental task at hand. Good luck on this issue. For what its worth, I am a former member of far more forums than those that I remain a member of. I think I will stick around this one for a while!
As far as younger kids go, I really don't understand why people use that as a reason to censor themselves. About the only kids I can see parroting what is said without regard to source are toddler age - most teenagers are very specific. Encouragement to use profanity is a peer sourced thing, not a random forum thing. Either that or a rebellion against parental sensibilities, which also has nothing to do with an internet forum.

While I agree with you on the origins of teenage... anger, I don't agree why this isn't a reason to censor. I teach swim lessons of all ages (from 2 to adults), and all skill levels, so I see a LOT of kids from different backgrounds. My kids know that under no circumstance are they to use profanity during lessons. I don't care if mom and dad let them swear (I myself grew up in a household where I was allowed to curse if it wasn't in English), but while at a public pool, they will respect others. This is non-negotiable in my classes... and my swim lesson kids are well aware of the consequences. The YMCA is very similar to CS.com in some ways. It's a place where people from different backgrounds can come together to participate in activities centered around a theme. At the Y, it's healthy living. Here, it's corns.

The kids in my classes are exceptionally clear on my policy of respect, and because of this, I have no problems. I have literally heard kids start spouting the F-word the second they walked out the door - but have not heard it in my classes. It's simply a matter of making, keeping, and enforcing a very clear policy.

In short, I don't really concern myself with where the behavior comes from. If it is not appropriate, then it should not be happening.

And for the record, I curse like a sailor and make crude, distasteful dirty jokes around my friends.
Heh...it's funny to see people worried about 13-year-olds. Have you heard junior high kids talk lately? :shrugs: They know and say things that could make a sailor blush!
Actually, the under-18 members are the source of some of the worse of the explicit and implied profanity around here. It won't be tolerated from them either.

I don't see the crudeness anywhere but in the Chit-Chat forum. And come on...what do you expect in a thread entitled Tats & Piercings or Forget the snakes... ??? "Lovely ink, old chap. The dragon's colors really complement your eyes" or "I love the nude goddess on your bicep. You must be a Botticelli fan too!" :shrugs:
Then maybe these threads don't have a place here if crudeness is inextricably and inherently associated with them. :shrugs:
Yes, but the assertion made was that by allowing even covered profanity (By using odd characters) encouraged teenagers to use profanity, which I totally disagree with. Basically, I'd like someone to prove to me that forums have a significant effect on a person's overall behavior. If the case was made that profanity should not be allowed because we want to present a friendly and open environment to new people, okay, I can agree with that. But no, according to the OP, profanity should not be allowed because, oh, won't SOMEONE think of the children?

An idea I find to be very insulting to the intelligence of younger people.
At least sexual harassment is fun. :D
I know you meant this as a joke, so I'm sure that you're aware that it isn't fun for everyone. Even the milder, more clever forms can be grating to some. You can engage in all the playful banter you want in PM, but I imagine that this would remove the conversation to a place of diminished fun and "safety".
Yes, but the assertion made was that by allowing even covered profanity (By using odd characters) encouraged teenagers to use profanity, which I totally disagree with. Basically, I'd like someone to prove to me that forums have a significant effect on a person's overall behavior. If the case was made that profanity should not be allowed because we want to present a friendly and open environment to new people, okay, I can agree with that. But no, according to the OP, profanity should not be allowed because, oh, won't SOMEONE think of the children?

An idea I find to be very insulting to the intelligence of younger people.

Well played. Kind of a "correlation does not imply causation". <golf clap>

Then maybe these threads don't have a place here if crudeness is inextricably and inherently associated with them. :shrugs:

That was pretty much my point. Restrict anything that's not related to the scientific discussion of corn snakes. Eliminating the Chit-Chat forum would be the most logical move. Advertising that it is okay to discuss "any old chit at all" there only opens the door to unsavory topics.

If Sexy Goth Girl and Shirtless College Boy can't post their photos, then pervs like me and Jazz can't ogle them and we will be forced to limit our immature and suggestive banter to PM's. Your problems will be solved.
That was pretty much my point. Restrict anything that's not related to the scientific discussion of corn snakes. Eliminating the Chit-Chat forum would be the most logical move. Advertising that it is okay to discuss "any old chit at all" there only opens the door to unsavory topics.

If Sexy Goth Girl and Shirtless College Boy can't post their photos, then pervs like me and Jazz can't ogle them and we will be forced to limit our immature and suggestive banter to PM's. Your problems will be solved.

The problem I see with that is it will remove any kind of camaraderie in the community. "This forum is strictly about snakes. Any talk that isn't about snakes is NOT tolerated." isn't a very friendly sentiment. I'd already have moved on were that the case.
Well played. Kind of a "correlation does not imply causation". <golf clap>


;) The first thing my statistics teacher taught me was "You can NOT use statistics to find causation." That is the absolute truth of statistics and almost every use of statistics I've seen is trying to use them to prove causation.
If Sexy Goth Girl and Shirtless College Boy can't post their photos, then pervs like me and Jazz can't ogle them and we will be forced to limit our immature and suggestive banter to PM's. Your problems will be solved.

:laugh01: :laugh01: :laugh01:

Jennifer, you're killin' me here!

Which of course makes me want to....um, I'll PM you, kthxbai.


If anyone reads a post they're offended by, they do have the option to report it to the moderators, who can then decide whether to act upon that report. That's why we've got the moderators, whom we elected.
Overall control of this site, it's code of conduct and content lies with Rich though, I wonder what his thoughts are on this?
This isn't a dating site, and the distinction between good-natured ribbing and crudity is obvious to any members with half a brain. Personally, I'd hate to think I'd offended anyone here, but if I felt more than mildly annoyed by anything I'd report it.
That was pretty much my point. Restrict anything that's not related to the scientific discussion of corn snakes. Eliminating the Chit-Chat forum would be the most logical move. Advertising that it is okay to discuss "any old chit at all" there only opens the door to unsavory topics.

If Sexy Goth Girl and Shirtless College Boy can't post their photos, then pervs like me and Jazz can't ogle them and we will be forced to limit our immature and suggestive banter to PM's. Your problems will be solved.
There's more to the Chit-Chat forum than exhibitionists and their oglers, so I don't advocate eliminating the forum. Many discussion boards prohibit certain discussion topics, such as sex, politics, and religion. Many of these boards still maintain a general off-topic subforum. It would be cool if we didn't have to prohibit certain topics just because a few people can't exhibit a little self control.
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