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he escaped!!!!!


New member
Ok. I have no clue how my new corn got out. Hes about 18" long amd thumbsize diameter. I have him in a zoomed tank w locking screen top and locking glass front door. I went away from friday morning..came back last night . Ready to take him out to feed .and he was nowhere !! I took out all the aspen and deco and still nothing..i searched everywhere ..i left the cage open and placed a thawed pinky in a small dish around 1am..i woke up thia morning at 6am and pinky was gone!! But he was nowhere!! Im planning on doing the bottle trap w another pinky inside...heres the thing..i have hia tank raoaed on a table about 3 feet off thw ground , should i keep bottle w pinky on floor..or in his tank?? All advice grratly appreciated
The only gap/hole is a small opening for wires theres 3 holes but i tapes 2. So the kne hole exposed has the wores for temp n humidity sensors. Can he fit through that?????
Don't leave the lid open! He could have still been in there, and may still be.

What kind of deco do you have?

Do you have this in there?

Probably, one thing is certain, he fit through SOMEthing! Before laying another pinkie out, look through that cage again. If he crawled in there to eat, there's a good chance he'd decide to burrow down to digest in the warmth. If he's not in there, tear the room apart looking. Look along walls, they will seldom venture out in the open. If he has a full belly, I doubt he's venturing far, nor would be as prone to seek out a 2nd meal (in your bottle trap). Seal that gap when you get him back in. Good luck.
No. I closed the viv this morning. My background is paper background taped to the glass. I didn't put the fake foam background inside. I left the viv open from 1-6am so he might smell the pinky and go back. Which looks like he did. Deco are two of those fake plants and 2 hides and 1 half log and a fake tree. I took every deco out and aspen so I know he wasn't inside. Unless I'm seeing things due to lack of sleep :(
Okay, so he is either up in the blind limb of the hide, of he's gone because you left the door open.
So it is just the half log now? Or was that big log thing still in there?

That big log has a defect that allows snakes to crawl up in the end.
Another piece of advice if it's not too late, best you can, block underneath your door! If you can confine him to one room, your odds of finding him are a lot better. He's not a worm, so I have hope he turns up. Wouldn't be surprised if he was in that molded hollow log.
So was that big log/fake tree in there?

If so, make sure it's still in the CLOSED cage. I'm betting money, if that big log/fake tree was in there, he is in the hollow section at the top.
Your finger can't reach into the defective part of that big log. It's a small compartment at the top. It's a hidden area in the top branch. There have 7 or 8 (at least) different people that have had the same problem with that same big log. The area is hidden and has a very small opening the snakes go into.

Leave that big log in there and place another pink inside the cage in a few days.

Keep looking outside/around the cage him in the meantime.
Just finished searching again....nothing..i just set up a bottle trap..im actually usong the container that fighting fish come in because it seals shut and has one hole in middle of top part. Im laying it on the floor near his tank. Ill do a complete darkness around 10pm today and check on it every hour. Should i put out 2 traPs? Also, since he ate last night, would he be hungry again?
Did you cut the branch off the log?? As far as I understand, you actually can't see into the part where hatchlings disappear into..