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Heat n humidity


New member
Can any body tell me the idile temp n humidity for a corn snake also the best medium to use for them i am usin saw dust at min!
Corn snakes are very adaptable snakes. They're like the betta fish of the snake world in my opinion. Anyways for ideal temperatures to make them happiest you need to create a create a temperature gradient and have a warm and cool side. The warm side should be 80-85 and the cool side should be around 70-75, my cool side is just room temperature. At night some people recommend to let the temperature drop down to 65 but unless you have them in a cold basement that's hard to do so I just honeatly turn off all my heating stuff and let it cool to room temprature on both sides. As for humidity if you keep it at 50% they are pretty happy campers.

As for the mediums used everyone is different. Some people hate heat lamps and some hate heating pads. I use both. I have a heating pad which sticks to the bottom of the tank on and I keep a heat lamp on and that keeps the temp pretty perfect. Be careful though both those things get hot so don't put them next or on anything flameable. Anyways I put those on one side to create the 'warm' side. As for night time lighting, they don't need any but if you want to view them I recommend an infared light bulb. I use a black light and you can't see much with it so I don't recommend those but they don't give off much heat.

I don't understand the sawdust part though? Is that the bedding you're using?

Hope this helps!
Yer cum in handy and woodshaving (sawbust) is what i am usin for bedding is there out better for wen there shedding cz theres only a warter bowl in the viv now as i have made a snake rack and there vivs are smaller now
I don't recommend heat lamps for cornsnakes. It's an extra expense to you, and they just don't need it.

For bedding, the two I see recommended the most often are shaved aspen bedding (from the rodent section) and eco-earth bedding. You can also use newspaper or repti-bark. I'm not sure about sawdust. As long as it's not out of cedar, it shouldn't be too bad.
I don't recommend heat lamps for cornsnakes. It's an extra expense to you, and they just don't need it.

For bedding, the two I see recommended the most often are shaved aspen bedding (from the rodent section) and eco-earth bedding. You can also use newspaper or repti-bark. I'm not sure about sawdust. As long as it's not out of cedar, it shouldn't be too bad.
While I agree that heat lamps aren't necessary my tank simply doesn't get warm enough without one. So I think it's really at the owners descretion on that.

But yeah aspen bedding, that's the way to go.

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Thank u for ur advice i dnt fink i need a heat lamp my vivs get to about 30c with heat mats i am gunna chack the temp on the other side of the viv and defo gunna get sum Aspen

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