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Hey guys..I'm a first time snake owner!


Insanity at its finest...
I was checking out these boards before I got a snake to do some research on their care. I'm glad I can finally join as an actual owner. I acquired two cornsnakes 3 weeks ago and they seem to be doing really well. I'm sure I'll learn a lot while I'm here. I do have a question about which colors they are considered though. Is there a way to determine their ages? I'm completely clueless! lol
They look like little '08s, so they were probably born between March and August. The red one looks like an amel, possibly reverse Okeetee. The other looks to be a normal/classic, but I could be wrong on that one. Either way, they're great looking babies!

(side note: they're housed separately, right?)
very pretty babies!! welcome to the forums and congrats on your little beauties!!

If they're not housed separately, you will want to separate them soon...
They are not housed separately. They both seem to enjoy eachother's company and rest together. Is there a reason they should be separated?
Oh I see... I wish they would have said something at the store. I got a rather large viv and decked it out with aspen, plants, hidey spots and healthy sized water bowl. I wonder if it would be ok to find something to separate the cage in half until I can get another one? So far they have been active, feeding well (i'm feeding them separate outside the cage), and have shown no animosity towards one another. I guess its better safe than sorry.
The reason they appear to like each other, as evidenced by always choosing to rest together, is actually because they just want to enjoy the same perfect conditions.
yes if you have a rather large viv you can split it in to with something. And you can place the UTH in the center so both sides would be warm.
The reason they appear to like each other, as evidenced by always choosing to rest together, is actually because they just want to enjoy the same perfect conditions.

I never thought about it like that. It makes a lot of sense. I'll probably be able to keep them on either side of the tank for a good while before I have get another tank.
Hey first time snake owner, welcome.
I've seen posts about dividing tanks, use the search with the word "divide".
Welcome to the forum. We all make mistakes, but there are a lot of people here to answer any question that you will have.
Ok thats great! Thanks for your help everyone. Sounds like you saved me from some heartache. I'm sure I'll learn lots more by hanging around here.
Hello and welcome to the forum! I'm glad your taking into consideration what the members here have told you about seperating them and I commend you on correcting the issue when you are able (which is hopefully sooner then later)..There are so many great people here that have so much info to share..I look forward to seeing you around and talking more :0)

Also...make sure to keep us updated on how their doing and pics of them as they grow..we love pics here :)
I have sinced moved them into their own vivs. Now I have that big ol tank with nothing in it. Guess we'll have to find something to put there. :D
Good to hear! I'm glad you're taking such good care of your snakes. You can always keep the viv for one of them when they get bigger, and buy another one for your other corn.
No no no...you want to get another bigger cornsnake...then buy 2 new cages for the little ones you have now!!

Welcome to the forum!! :)
I probably will end up with a bigger one. I'm going to the Louisiana Reptile and Exotic Animal Expo on Nov. 15th. I can't imagine going and not getting something! :p