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High hide ideas?


New member
I like the idea of having multiple hides around the vivarium, so today I added a simple kitchen paper tube zip-tied to a branch. I left it for a couple of hours, and it was already being explored by the time I got back, so apparently it might get some use! :)

I'd like to add another high hide to the cooler end, but I'm thinking not filling all the branches with toilet paper rolls. So would you people have any more ideas for a high hide?

I was thinking maybe I'll add a hanging coffee mug or something for my youngling :laugh:
That's a neat idea. I'd like to do that, but I have Zilla Critter Cages and they have a sliding/locking screen top. :)
As a high hide, I would worry about a mug coming loose, falling, and hurting the snake. What about something a little lighter?
I advise against getting your snakes high and then hiding them. Please do not use drugs while around your snakes or while driving a car. If you really insist on using, then please do so in a manner that will not hurt your snakes and other people that might be walking on a sidewalk near where you are driving.
I advise against getting your snakes high and then hiding them.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: too funny

I've seen premade bird nests (finch nests?) in some pet stores that are lightweight, come in different sizes, and look like they are made of woven grasses. Take a look - see if these would work for you.
Well, the kitchen paper rolls should do for a while. Here's Nuppu doing her Tree Python impression.

The bird / gerbil nests are a good idea, baskets too! Maybe a cell phone / camera pouch? They have attachment loops too :D

I actually have some neoprene sheets around, wouldn't take too long to make a small hanging pouch. Easy to clean, too. Plus very easy to take your baby with you, just unhook the bag from the branch and go ;)
The camera pouch is a good idea! It's flexible so it will be a cozy fit to the snake and if it were to fall, it couldn't cause any damage. What about an oven mitt? Definitely not as easy to clean as neoprene, but if you spent $1 on one, it wouldn't be tragic if it was messy and had to be thrown out. Plus they come in lots of colors!

You're definitely going to have to somehow upgrade the toilet paper roll in the future...it would be an unfortunate surprise for the snake if it put on enough weight the ziptie ripped through the roll and sent it crashing to the ground!
lol, probably not a concern for a while :laugh:

Also, as zipties aren't flexible, make SURE there is no way the snake can start to run through one and somehow get caught. It's a rare chance, but caught critters tend to hurt themselves when they try to wiggle loose.
I have a repti hammock covered in vines half way up my exo terra. Hethiss loves it. He is often sitting there watching from a gap.
The camera pouch is a good idea! It's flexible so it will be a cozy fit to the snake and if it were to fall, it couldn't cause any damage. What about an oven mitt? Definitely not as easy to clean as neoprene, but if you spent $1 on one, it wouldn't be tragic if it was messy and had to be thrown out. Plus they come in lots of colors!

You're definitely going to have to somehow upgrade the toilet paper roll in the future...it would be an unfortunate surprise for the snake if it put on enough weight the ziptie ripped through the roll and sent it crashing to the ground!
lol, probably not a concern for a while :laugh:

Which reminds me, there's silicone oven mits avalable too!

The zip-tie attachment is the weak point with cardboard rolls, but maybe I could add another ziptie to go around the roll to prevent that.

The latest development to the kitchen table roll is a canoe insert that allows covering the ends for more shelter but also easy snake extraction from the tube when required. Also great for transporting the snake back into the viv after feeding :D

Which reminds me, there's silicone oven mits avalable too!

The zip-tie attachment is the weak point with cardboard rolls, but maybe I could add another ziptie to go around the roll to prevent that.

The latest development to the kitchen table roll is a canoe insert that allows covering the ends for more shelter but also easy snake extraction from the tube when required. Also great for transporting the snake back into the viv after feeding :D

Ooooh! That's nifty!!!! I like the canoe attachment.

If you've got youngn's, you can always use an empty film canister, and use a bit of hot glue to attach it to the side of the tank. Although with all of the fancy shmancy digital cameras out in the world today, film canisters might be in short supply.
One thing I've tried for a hanging hide was a mini japanese fabric lantern (I'll have to post a pic at some point). My snakes liked it a little too much. I didn't see them for a while.

But I like your tp roll idea, @proileri. With that you can see them in their hide, which I'm sure is more enjoyable for you. Could even cut out patterns or something in the rolls, like in this article:

Ooh, I like the look of this. Pearl's the only snake I have in a bin tall enough to out a "high hide" in, but maybe I'll switch her and a more adventurous snake and see if they like it...
Hemp twine is really strong. Its great to use for hanging things in a tank, and its not plastic or sharp so it shouldn't rip through the cardboard or hurt the snake. Plus its cheap, easy to find, and comes in lots of colors.
What would be cool is if you took one of those large plastic snowglobe balls (the clear spheres for filling and hanging on a christmas tree) cut a hole in it, spray painted it to look more natural and also not be clear. And take a few strings (more stable than one) and suspend it near a branch, or you could glue it to the wall near a branch.
I completely forgot to post here!

Was browsing through this thread a couple weeks ago and it inspired me. So while at Petsmart one day, I picked up one of those little weaved bamboo finch nests. Add in a heavy duty suction cup from the craft store and voila! A nice little high hide for my yearling Beauty snake.

I haven't seen her in it yet, but I'm hoping she'll start using it once cooler weather sets in. (For right now, no AC means the house is insanely warm, so Wyvern is spending all her time under her water dish.)

The thing her fake plant is wrapped around is a cardboard tube. It doubles very nicely as a hide, so she can pick her height (which is also nice, since I'm using overhead heat for her in the cooler months).


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Well, I can say the kitchen table roll hide that sits about 12" above the ground has become a favorite for my girl, it sees as much use as the two ground level hides. I'm thinking she likes the canoe insert that covers most of the ends, it makes the openings a bit more narrow and prevents her from sliding out even if the tube is tilted a bit.
What about a small, dried, hollowed out gourd? I have seen "birdhouse" gourds. They are really light and can easily be drilled. They are natural and could be replaced if soiled. I think they can even be "sealed" by painting a little melted beeswax or paraffin on and in them.