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Hillarious... You just couldn't make this up....

I've got guns too so you better show me the hatchlings! I'm waiting for my girl to shed and hopefully lay something. This is the "male" that turned out to be female......
I've got guns too so you better show me the hatchlings! I'm waiting for my girl to shed and hopefully lay something. This is the "male" that turned out to be female......
OK... I'll get Joel to sort out taking some pics.....
We lost half the eggs so we ended up with 6 healthy hatchlings... 5 of which have fed... God I hate the stress of GTP... Lucky for me Joel and Tom do all the hard work concerning them.......LOL
5 out of 6 is great! Be happy with that! We'll see what happens with mine and I'm looking forward to seeing baby pictures. I was chewed on by one of the new babies I bought. I named it 'Tude for good reason...it is pure evil. Don't understand it as it has Sorong in there. Must take after dad or something.
5 out of 6 is great! Be happy with that! We'll see what happens with mine and I'm looking forward to seeing baby pictures. I was chewed on by one of the new babies I bought. I named it 'Tude for good reason...it is pure evil. Don't understand it as it has Sorong in there. Must take after dad or something.
I have a great aptitude for not being bitten... So much so I take real chances.... One of the reasons hots are not here atm as I know I would have to try... And the reason I kissed an adult GTP... Good photo, but I just know they wanted to get the attached to my lips shot....:dgrin: LOL.
And yes... seriously... They do like to define their boundaries....
I hated seeing that poor baby . . .

I find it hard to believe. I would imagine that in normal (is there such a thing) situations, the chimp would have scared itself once the rifle fired. They would be conditioned to fear it. Dropping the rifle and running would have made more sense than it standing there shooting the circle of soldiers. The wonders of photoshop......

When Janine said "baby," she meant it. That chimp is under the age of 4. As in, it's not even past weaning age. So for this to be real it would have to be an orphan. No orphaned ape would be that self-composed, and orphans are going to have good reason to be terrified of gunshots, as they will likely have experienced them in the traumatic setting of having their mother shot and being stripped from her.

If you google what an AK-47 sounds like, you find youtube vids that you can listen to. To me it doesn't sound too similar, but I don't know anything about guns.
This baby I got bites everything and everyone. I'd kiss Tempest on the mouth, or Whisper but no way would I kiss...well Brutus for example or Dante.
I'm pretty sure as far as the video goes it's a fake, but it's funny in a pitiful way.
When Janine said "baby," she meant it. That chimp is under the age of 4. As in, it's not even past weaning age. So for this to be real it would have to be an orphan. No orphaned ape would be that self-composed, and orphans are going to have good reason to be terrified of gunshots, as they will likely have experienced them in the traumatic setting of having their mother shot and being stripped from her.

If you google what an AK-47 sounds like, you find youtube vids that you can listen to. To me it doesn't sound too similar, but I don't know anything about guns.
A bit of 'C.S.I.' coming through here folks.... Scientist at large...
Good point and worth noting....

This baby I got bites everything and everyone. I'd kiss Tempest on the mouth, or Whisper but no way would I kiss...well Brutus for example or Dante.
I'm pretty sure as far as the video goes it's a fake, but it's funny in a pitiful way.
Yep the vid was funny but I feel over analysed.... You guys spoilt it....
And here's mine.....

So I showed you mine......
You show me yours...
Oooo errrr
I haven't played that with a girl in about 47 yrs....
Mmmmm feels like yesterday........
I'm going to get an infraction for that ain't I....
Note to self........ Stop staying awake for 30 hrs and thinking whisky is the answer.......:sidestep:
Whiskey's not the answer??? What? I'll have to post pics like that on another thread....otherwise we're hijacking....
Meg.... You cannot hi-jack your own thread...
It's now a mystery tour.....
The others can get off at the next stop if they feel this journey is too far for them.... LOL
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If you google what an AK-47 sounds like, you find youtube vids that you can listen to. To me it doesn't sound too similar, but I don't know anything about guns.

When I first viewed the video, I did not look for any of the technicalities (nor think about the meat/orphan possibilities)... just, mindlessly, enjoyed the video. Thus, was able to enjoy it, as "funny", and see the human stupidity aspect (even if faked, such stupidity does exist).
However, aside from the other possible issues, with the vid (its being faked), what gets me is the following. ...
Even if the chimp is used to gunfire, an AK-47 has a kick, to it, and has a rise as it is being fired. I did not see a rise and, certainly, did not see a kick. The way the chimp was holding the AK-47, you should have been able to see it (aside from the chimp, possibly, losing the weapon when first fired).
So ... :shrugs:
When I first viewed the video, I did not look for any of the technicalities (nor think about the meat/orphan possibilities)... just, mindlessly, enjoyed the video. Thus, was able to enjoy it, as "funny", and see the human stupidity aspect (even if faked, such stupidity does exist).

I didn't think it was funny. But I never think that people teasing animals is funny, which is what those guys in the video were doing. :poke: As such, it just make me feel sad and anxious, and would have regardless of the age of the chimp.
I didn't think it was funny. But I never think that people teasing animals is funny, which is what those guys in the video were doing. :poke: As such, it just make me feel sad and anxious, and would have regardless of the age of the chimp.

I understand and ... can, certainly, appreciate that.
Just wanted to add that, if I were to see an animal being, outwardly, teased (or if one were abused, etc.) ... I would be quite enraged.
Thing is that I did not see an outward teasing of the chimp. However, I do understand that everyone's sensibilities/views differ. Now, the fact that the chimp could have been hurt (if this were real), does give me pause.
Regardless, the only point I was trying to convey, with my post, was about the AK-47 (with how, ~upon first viewing~, I didn't take any factors in as to whether it was fake or not ... or anything else really).
That said ... and with this video aside ... Alas, I do find ~some~ human stupidity rather humorous (although I am sure not everyone does).