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Holiday Special - 40% off for one! 50% off for groups!

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Just Another Corn Breeder
Forget running around and standing in lines this holiday season, get what you really want - reptiles!

For a limited time I'm offering 40% off any single item or 50% off for any group of 2 or more! Shipping is $40 for one or many.

Corn Snakes
[SOLD] Coral Ghost.....M.....2011.....$150.....S107.....66% possible het amelanistic
[ON HOLD] Striped Tessera het Sunglow.....M.....2011.....$200.....S60.....Sunglo w is a hybrid crossing
[SOLD] Pied-sided Bloodred (med expression).....M.....2013.....$200.....S4079.....
[SOLD] Fire.....M.....2006.....$90.....S01.....proven
[ON HOLD] Diffused.....M.....2010.....$60.....S37.....
Golddust Motley het Stripe.....M.....2011.....$150.....S57.....
Hypo Sided Bloodred (med exp).....M.....2011.....$250.....S87.....het anery charcoal (proven)
[SOLD] Butter.....F.....2013.....$35.....S4043.....
Cinder.....M.....2013.....$80.....S4077.....66% possible het hypo. Possible het stripe
Hypo Cinder.....M.....2013.....$130.....S4076.....possi ble het stripe
Normal.....F.....2013.....$40.....S4078.....possib le het hypo, cinder
Tessera.....F.....2013.....$200.....S4071.....66% poss het cinder, hypo. Poss het stripe
Tessera.....M.....2013.....$200.....S4072.....66% poss het cinder, hypo. Poss het stripe
[SOLD] Butter Motley.....?.....2014.....$40.....S5002.....
Coral Ghost.....M.....2014.....$100.....S5034.....66% possible het amelanistic
Coral Ghost.....F.....2014.....$100.....S5037.....66% possible het amelanistic
[SOLD] Diffused.....?.....2014.....$50.....S5008.....het
Hypo pied-sided Diffused (low exp).....M.....2014.....$120.....S5004.....
Hypo Granite (Ghost Bloodred).....M.....2014.....$80.....S5003.....ane ry + diffused + hypo
Hypo pied-sided Diffused (low exp).....F.....2014.....$120.....S5006.....
Pied-sided Diffused (med exp).....M.....2014.....$150.....S5013.....
Salmon Snow.....M.....2014.....$130.....S5031.....
Salmon Snow.....F.....2014.....$130.....S5032.....

Ball Pythons
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....F.....2014.....$200.....S5016.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....M.....2014.....$150.....S5017.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....F.....2014.....$200.....S5018.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....M.....2014.....$150.....S5020.....

Honduran Milk Snakes
Tangerine 66% Possible het Albino.....M.....2013.....$70.....S4067.....
Tangerine 66% Possible het Albino.....M.....2013.....$70.....S4068.....


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[ON HOLD] Coral Ghost.....M.....2011.....$150.....S107.....66% possible het amelanistic
[ON HOLD] Striped Tessera het Sunglow.....M.....2011.....$200.....S60.....Sunglo w is a hybrid crossing
[SOLD] Pied-sided Bloodred (med expression).....M.....2013.....$200.....S4079.....
[ON HOLD] Hypo Sided Bloodred (med exp).....M.....2011.....$250.....S87.....het anery charcoal (proven)
[ON HOLD] Butter.....F.....2013.....$35.....S4043.....
[ON HOLD] Diffused.....M.....2010.....$60.....S37.....
[AVAILABLE] Golddust Motley het Stripe.....M.....2011.....$150.....S57.....
[AVAILABLE] Hypo Sided Bloodred (med exp).....M.....2011.....$250.....S87.....het anery charcoal (proven)
[AVAILABLE] Butter.....F.....2013.....$35.....S4043.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....F.....2014.....$200.....S5016.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....F.....2014.....$200.....S5018.....
[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....M.....2014.....$150.....S5020.....
Sale good til the end of December. Get 'em while they last!

[SOLD] Bumble Bee.....M.....2014.....$150.....S5017.....
[SOLD] Butter.....F.....2013.....$35.....S4043.....
[SOLD] Butter Motley.....?.....2014.....$40.....S5002.....
[SOLD] Diffused.....?.....2014.....$50.....S5008.....het pied
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