I'm 15. There, it's out. But, I would'nt by from someone else my age unless they knew their stuff. I've talked to some "professionals" that were in their 30'2 and 40's that were complete idiots. I'm actually trying to get start a small ball python breeding business and I know the fact that I'm "so young" isn't going to help a great deal, I would hope hope people would look past my age and see the time I put into it, and the quality of the animals themselves. When I went to a show here in Nov. there was a girl there who must have been younger than me at the bearded dragon booth. Her mom was there but the girl was doing most of the actual work. I really likeed the way I could go up to a booth, ask If I could take a closer look at the animal, and they would just grab it out for me, no questions asked. One guy let me just reach in and grab his 8+ foot female redtail boa. I respect eople like that. Those that are willing to look past someones age and give that person a chance to prove they know what they are doing even if they are young. Does this make any sense?