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Horror for Halloween-another Petco tale


New member
I haven't been on in a while. Just had to share/rant. Also, I remember that we have a couple of members on here with Petco backgrounds. Maybe they can make some sense.

Anyway, I was in Petco (please hold the groans they sent me a 15% coupon and my monthly pet supply list is very big), and saw a tiny little snow corn. I thought he was dead at first, I made the girl go and check on him for me. He wasn't dead, actually pretty lively, but soooooo skinny.

I went about my business and bought my monthly supplies.

The little corn was stuck in my head. I went back and looked at him. There were, as usual, crickets crawling around in the tank. (When I've asked about this before, I've gotten various weird answers like "they came with the snakes", "they eat any possible skin mites" :shrugs: I even told a young man once that they should probably get the crickets out of there since they have been known to nibble on baby snakes. Another guy came and told me that crickets don't eat animals and that he has been trained in reptile care.:eek1:

I put my bags in the truck and then I just couldn't get the little corn out of my head. I actually drove away. I went about a 1/4 mile down the road and was so hungry I pulled into Arby's and got a junior roast beef. As I ate it in the parking lot, in my head I see the poor little corn. I went back.

The "Reptile Expert" guy asked me if I needed something to carry it in or did I just want to let it crawl around on me until I got home? Then he was afraid to pick it up himself, he kept making these hesitant little pokes at the poor thing, which immediately started striking:bang:. I told him, please bring me a box and I'll get the baby. He came back with one of those cardboard hamster boxes, the ones with the big holes around the sides that don't hold hamsters more than 2-3 minutes sometimes. I showed him how the little guy was the size of a shoestring and that he would definitely get out of there. He said he would look for something else and then looked at me expectantly. I gently picked up the baby and followed the boy, carefully using my body, forearms and both hands to block the holes. He took me to the supply room and pulled out a little deli cup-Perfect ! He said, let me get it ready (I thought he was gonna clean it), NOPE!!!!! He cut a dime-sized hole in the top!!!:headbang:

On the way to the register I asked pertinent questions. When did they feed? Were there records? What did they feed? Could I have some tape to cover the hole?....He looked at me quizzically for a minute and said, "they eat on Thursdays" Oh, I said, did this one eat? (He's a snow corn, he's clear and I saw a dark spot about halfway down his body, but no food lump). The guy pointed to the dark spot, looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "didn't you see the crickets? He probably at a couple at least!".
He gave me a piece of tape and I practically ran from the store.

Hopefully I've saved this baby corn. He's actually pretty strong feeling, just tiny. I'm hating the fact that I supported Petco's poor husbandry practices, but I had a sappy moment and one of my other babies just graduated to a ten gallon, so I had a clean, warm sterilite shoebox with no occupant.

Is there a petition we can start to change Petco's practices, is anyone on here familiar with the Employee Education program so I can maybe suggest some changes?
Well, I'm glad you were able to "save" the little snow, but I don't know if there's anything that can be done... well, I'm sure there is, but I haven't found it yet either. I've basically given up looking at the snakes in PetSmart and Petco just because I don't have the means to save each and every one. I've talked to some of their "reptile experts" and have seen changes, but turnover at those stores seems quite high and/or the practices "degrade" back to what they were eventually.

It IS a good question I'll ask the owner of one of the GOOD pet stores I have close by.

Other than that.... CONGRATS on your new corn! We'd love to see pics!
Glad you saved the little one, despite the fact that they will just replace it. I hope the baby does well for you.
Every time you buy a snake from those places you let them know its ok for them to sell. The best way from stopping these places from selling snakes, is do not buy them. If they do not sell the reptiles they will not carry them.
Thanks Tricksterpup. I feel the same way. First PetCo snake ever. One PetSmart snake 4 years ago. I was able to have the PetSmart I bought Cobra from in VA emptied of corns and other snakes and the employees all were given re-education before they were able to get the snakes back. Maybe I can do it again here in WA.
I Wrote a VERY long and detailed letter that I sent to the Corporate Office. I don't have the letter anymore, but I pointed out things like overcrowding, not quarantining, feeding in cohabited tanks, putting baby corns in tanks that had held kingsnakes causing stress (can you imagine smelling a predator 24/7 and still being able to feed, no wonder there were so many non-feeders coming out of PetSmart), 2 cases of crypto I had seen from their animals...etc. I sent the letter to a few herp vets in the area and they weighed in and I included their replies and the vet bills from the snakes that had been treated at their establishments purchased from that particular store. I received two very in-depth replies from PetSMart executives, along with a personal phone call to answer some very specific questions. Then they pulled the snakes from the shelves and had some local experts re-educate the store managers. I was pleasantly surprised and after the snakes came back out I was impressed to see that they were individually caged and the employees were quick to pull out very detailed feeding records when asked for them. Also, they stopped putting the snakes in whatever tank was empty. They reserved specific tanks for Kings. Corns and BPs tanks were cleaned with Nolvasan between occupants. People handling the snakes were provided with hand sanitizer between animals.

I was never told that my letter resulted in XYZ, it may have been complaints from a lot of people, but I like to think that it helped. I made sure that I didn't just complain, I provided specifics and expert testimony, along with possible solutions. I don't even know if that particular store is still operating that way, but it did for a little while.

I wish I still had all of that correspondence. I didn't know about this site back then. I can just imagine if I had been able to get as many people as are involved in the various snake message boards involved. Maybe more than just one store would have been affected.

I'm not "sticking up" for my petco. However, when I went to mine, I talked to the reptile girl who knew her stuff. She showed me records of feeding, clean habitat, etc. I did buy one from there about a month ago. To my satisfaction, after reading the nightmares about Petco this little guy has eaten 4 times with NO hesitation!! He is blue now and will be shedding on schedule! ( so to speak) However, my next 10 corns (LoL) will come from a breeder from this GREAT site! If I hadn't joined this site and knew what to look for I may not have been so lucky! Thanks to everyone. Bottom line is, all petco's may not be bad if you know how to purchase and what to look for. READ READ READ and when your done READ some more. happy halloween.
Well you know I sort of disagree, I mean they just aren't going to stop carrying corns. They just won't; people buy them. I have seen so many petco snakes that were totally dehydrated, looked straight from the egg, etc.
I wonder if there is anything anyone could do, as a corn snake loving community I think we should think about it.

However, in my opinion and experience, no you cannot save them all but every single one you can save and do save, counts. What you did was a great thing, getting the little one out of there. Every one of those little snakes is a little animal soul and I for one believe that that counts for something.
Do PetCo animals come with some sort of vet health guarantee? I wonder if you took it to the vet directly after purchasing it and kept all the necessary proof, what could have happened. Would they be responsible for the vet bill, refund the money for the snake, or do nothing? Just a thought.
They gave me a 15 day guarantee. You have to take the snake to the vet they recommend or they won't cover anything. The vet they use here is an okay herp vet. I've used him for a snake with a burn and friend used him for one with pneumonia. He's a little outdated, I don't think he does any continuing education, but the next closest herp vet is almost an hour away.

I usually wait a a few days before I offer food to a new snake, but this guy was so scrawny I couldn't wait. He ate right away. Whew! At least I didn't get a non-feeder. I've named him Jack (as in Frost). When I took him out right before feeding to inspect the black spot again, he popped without manipulation. I won't touch him again for another 4-5 days. He seems really small. I wonder when he hatched.
"Saving one animal may not change the world, but surely, for that one animal, the world will change forever."

A favorite quote.
I was going to say, (you've had snakes for a long time, so I'm sure you know this) with light-colored baby snakes, the internal organs are very visible. I wouldn't worry about the black spot at all. I have snakes that are so see-through that if you hold them up to a light you can see their lung breathe! Kind of creeps me out!!
Ugh! That's disgusting... I see you're in Washington--do you mind telling me where this Petco is? I want to avoid it at all costs (unless I feel particularly like ripping someone a new one). I've only really been in two Petcos (and one Petsmart).. The closest one to me, in Olympia, seems alright (for a Petco, anyway), and the other one (Puyallup), while worse than the Oly one, didn't seem TOO bad the one time I've been in there.. Other than the fact that, after handling the two boas they had in stock that day, I was sure at least one had some sort of absolutely terrible parasite problem ("food" lump 5 days after feeding while being housed in a very warm tank).

They gave me a 15 day guarantee. You have to take the snake to the vet they recommend or they won't cover anything. The vet they use here is an okay herp vet. I've used him for a snake with a burn and friend used him for one with pneumonia. He's a little outdated, I don't think he does any continuing education, but the next closest herp vet is almost an hour away.

LOL. I'm sorry. I drive 4 hours to get to a good vet (I could go to the nearest one--1.5 hours away--but, IME, she's a hack when it comes to snakes and I can honestly save more money driving the extra distance), and 3 hours to get to Portland, Seattle, and/or either of their airports, so listening to city folk talk about how LONG a drive is is just... Really... Really... Funny... to me. No offense to you or any other city-dweller, of course, it's just interesting to see the huge difference in perception just based on where one lives. =)
You should take into consideration some simply don't have the means or time to hop in the car for a 4 hour trek to the best vet..
You should take into consideration some simply don't have the means or time to hop in the car for a 4 hour trek to the best vet..

I realize that. And anyone is welcome to ignore my take on it if they "don't have the means or time." I was just mentioning that I found it funny. I didn't realize people around here were so touchy... Shame on me for wanting to share an interesting psychological quirk I may have observed.

Besides. There's TWO vets within 3 hours of my town and they're both hacks. It would be stupid (and, considering the results of my most recent vet trip, quite literally fatal to every herp I own) not to make a 4 hour drive to a vet I can trust won't just talk my ear off and ignore obvious problems for $50 per animal. And you know? That drive wouldn't be any different if I went to a complete hack, outside of those two near me, because it's STILL a 3-4 hour drive for me to, literally, any city that actually contains a herp vet or two.
Oh, god. I keep forgetting. Good on you for the rescue! You may not be able to save them all, but at least you're making a difference for the one. =)
Thank you for making a difference for that baby.
I gotta say though, that all Petcos are not the same. The once near me is excellent, the critters clean and well cared for and the staff know what they are talking about..
You should take into consideration some simply don't have the means or time to hop in the car for a 4 hour trek to the best vet..

Oh god. Now I feel like an ass. I only just went and re-read my original post, and it DOES sound snooty.... I'm so sorry about blowing up on you, Ali!! :awcrap:

What I originally meant was I have to drive several hours to get to a decent vet in general. If the OP has a good enough vet that the extra hour's drive isn't worth it, then that's great. =P