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Horror movies

I love horror movies! I'm a huge fan of the classic black and white Universal pictures ones. The original Frankenstein, Wolf Man and Dracula. Those were cutting edge a tremendously scary at the time. Plus the paved the way for modern horror flicks.

If I had it pick a fav, it's Dog Solders, a movie made by the Sci-fi channel about werewolves. The Ginger Snaps series is pretty entertaining in it's on way. Oh I almost forgot the Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness movies. All really good and very different in their own ways.

I love those movies too!! Have you seen Drag me to hell. It was filmed like the Evil Dead movies.
I just watched Drag Me to Hell last night! It was decent, but both of the main actors made it silly as well.

My first favorite scary movie was House on Silent Hill with Vincent Price. I found the remake to pale in comparison.

I have yet to see the ending to Grudge 3. How do they get rid of the evil ghost woman?
Scariest: The Fog (the original), The Thing (the original), The Howling (at the time it came out, not so much now), Vacancy, the Hitcher (again, the original)

OMG! The Hitcher scared me to death as a kid! I forgot about The Devil's Rejects and The Evil Dead series those are soooo great! THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!

Now I'm watching Land Before Time, so I guess I scared myself to much last night.:crazy02:
The Hitcher, the one with Rutger Hauer, was horrifying. "My mother told me never to do this!" The remake, and the original, of Psycho are also very good.
The Hitcher, the one with Rutger Hauer, was horrifying. "My mother told me never to do this!" The remake, and the original, of Psycho are also very good.

I agree, the original Hitcher was awesome! Another good one but old is Duel with Dennis Weaver. That one really gave me nightmares!
Nightmare On Elm Street scared me as a kid.
It...I loved It....
The Shining (that one's a classic).
Silence of the Lambs.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre

But when I saw Evil Dead in the theatre, I literally spent most of the time on the cinema floor. Scared me so bad I couldn't watch it!
I have yet to see the ending to Grudge 3. How do they get rid of the evil ghost woman?

I didn't like the 2nd Grudge so never even gave it a second thought about not watch the 3rd. If any one has seen the third, how would you rate it?
Zombieland A++

What a great movie! It is both a horror & a Comedy. Not a mix that one would put together, but it worked for this film.