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How about some Lava

As much as I have sold this past year...certain morphs remain....love my Lavas....should be making more this year again as well.

Ohhhhh, my wish list is getting larger and larger and my holdbacks are probably going to be numerous..... Darn? :eek:
Joe Pierce of course :) I got into Lavas one of the first years he had them available. Ive been producing them myself the last three years and have also been outcrossing them into bloods, Okeetees etc....
Beautiful Michelle! I have a lava male that I got from Joe as well. Maybe have to loan him to you next year, if he's ready, seeing as how I don't have a female for him. :)
I've got a nice male lava too. I am in Peoria. I bred him to several of my girls this year, including my Anery A bloodred that I posted pics of earlier. I am crossing my fingers that her clutch will be fertile as it is her first. She should be laying any day as she is pretty plump. Also bred him to an amel, a normal (unknown hets) and a snow. Will be keeping back a few but most will be available. The male is possible het amel and anery so I am interested to see if any of them prove out.

Take care,
Jeff Port