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How do you feed your snakes?

How Do You Feed Your Snakes?

  • Feed f/t in 24-7 housing

    Votes: 57 26.5%
  • Feed live in 24-7 housing

    Votes: 14 6.5%
  • Feed f/t in separate container

    Votes: 134 62.3%
  • Feed live in separate container

    Votes: 23 10.7%
  • Other:

    Votes: 9 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
slothrop said:
me three. f/t(what does that mean. frozen something i guess.

FT = Frozen/Thawed. I don't know why we put the "thawed" part on there 'cause it's pretty much understood. I guess that's to keep newbies from feeding their snakes mice that are still frozen (I did that once years ago when I first heard of frozen prey). :rolleyes:
Friends, you all are doing a good job on this poll. I am trying to stay out and not post that much or respond to posts. But, feel free if anyone what to have a discussion or respond to someone post.
I feed f/t in a feeding containers. Unless they're picky :rolleyes: . If they won't eat in a separate container I switch to paper towels and feed in the viv until they're eating and then go back to out of the container.
Hendrix likes to "hold hands" when he eats. I take him out and play with him for a while first, in the mean time the F/T is in very warm water. I add hot water just before I feed Hendrix. I put the F/T into his feeding tub, and hold him over the tub. He usually just puts the first 3/4 of his body down into the tub while he eats, and keeps the back end wrapped around my fingers. If he has trouble getting his dinner lined up, he lets me adjust it for him. He's a really sweet snake!! When he's almost done, I slowly wriggle my fingers out of his grip and put the feeding container into the viv. He usually will go right into his hide, but sometimes, just looks up at me as if "do I really have to move now"? In that case, I will lift him out of the container being very careful to support him where the lump is.
i have one snake that will only eat live and i have to feed him in his tank the other 2 eat prekilled. i take them out and handle them a bit the set them in the floor and dangle the mouse in frount of them.
I voted F/t in 24-7 housing. Most my snakes aside from 4 are in a rack to they get fed this way with F/t or P/k. The 4 that aren't, well aren't corns so they don't really count for this vote, but the BP's and WPC's won't look twice at unless it's live. They get fed in seprate contaners so they can be monitored better while eating.
Stern said:
does anyone feed live?

All of mine are on f/t but I do have one female '06 Sunglow Motley who is, currently, being fed live.<sigh> Hope I can get this changed.
After being fed f/t, the first months that I had her, ...with episodes of skipped meals (once skipping a "few" in a row)... she stopped eating altogether. She went awhile without eating. I tried braining, scenting, extra warming, and yada, yada, yada but ... she turned her little nose up at everything. I, finally, decided to try live to see if that would work. She went after, and goes after, the live pinkies with gusto... and has not missed a meal in the last 5 meals that she has been on live. I am, truly, hoping that I can manage to wean her back to f/t (perhaps trying a few other things to do this) after some more live meals and seeing that she is properly in the mode of consistently eating. I do not like to feed live. Guess we'll see if I can, eventually, get her to change her mind, to where she does not insist on live feed, but, if not, ... Ah well.
As above, my normal 06 Calamity never refuses live or f/k, but is erratic when it comes to f/t. I'm switching her to live only for a couple of months to get her feeding and growing well before I'll try f/t on her again
Jo doesn't drag her food around and she eats right over/out of the bowl I place in her container with the mouse in it. If she took the food and moved it to a different location (therefore dragging it through the aspen like my Ball Python does), I'd feed her in a seperate conatiner. But Jo is so neat, I'm surprised she doesn't ask me for a napkin! I do watch her every time though to see if habits change.

My BP twists around the food and messes it all up so I feed him in a tub with a lid.
all of my snakes get fed in seperate containers. 8 of them eat f/t the other 3 eat live...though 2 of those 3 i will be soon trying to switch to f/t the 3rd one will be switched when he's a bit older.

Hey every one. long time, no post.

I feed F/T in a seperate container, AND in the habitat:
My colubrids eat in a seperate container,
just cause they dont mind being handled
to much right before, and right after feeding.

As for my pythons, from smallest to biggest,
they are all fed in their habitat.
this is a bad Idea in most cases,
I HAVE been bit by my large female ball,
but shes' blind, and it was feeding time.

for as long as I can remember
the only time I had problems feeding
the pythons, was when I took them
out to feed in a seperate container.

Its the whole: safe, comfort zone.

Good post suecornish :)
I don't know how I missed out on this one the first time around, but here goes.

I feed live , F/T, and P/K. Though, the live is mostly pinkies and small fuzzies while all larger prey is either P/K or F/T.

I have special feeding dishes and tupperwares that I feed the snakes in, though some of the more stubborn snakes get the deli-cup until they catch up with the program. Feeding days come every other day and with the volume of snakes I'm feeding I don't have time to worry about too many details and any disruptions are likely to send me into a crazed fit. lol..

Hatchlings and yearlings that are still under 50 grams get live pinkies/fuzzies with the exception of hatchlings we plan to sell, these are started right away on F/T and later offered live in some cases, usually if they don't sell right away. I feed any where from 15-30 snakes in one feeding and with my daughter cleaning cages, dishes, and the like I monitor each snake in the dish - never turning my back until I am sure they are more interested in the mouse then escaping.

I then write down any sheds and whether the snake is eating or not on the chart. If I weigh them out, which is done anywhere from once or twice a month to every two months, I'll do that before offering them a mouse.

The older snakes get fed in a large tupperware or on their lids and they get F/T or P/K. I also feed fewer of them at a time because they are more likely to try and escape and my cat has no fear.

I've only had a small handful of picky eaters and the only refusals have typically come from snakes in the blue or males during breeding season and a couple of females who were gravid.

All the feeding dishes are cleaned out after all the snakes are done, sometimes two-three times in a night depending on if the snake made a mess or not.

I have ended up with a few bites, but nothing too dramatical or too much blood. The snakes we currently have are all well adjusted to the feeding schedule and will actually take their mouse before I even put them in the dish, so they end up eating while in my hand for a moment.

ANYway... my novel is now done and I'm going to go check the critters for sheds and feed the mice.

I now have one picky eater - Danu. She refused all F/T so I am forced, for the moment, to get live pinkies. I can't wait until she starts eating F/T because I can't stand the sound of the squealing pinkies. I think she is attracted to the movement and she has an excellent feeding response. But she was 8 grams when I bought her in June and she is 9 grams now.

So I have been forced to feed live, for now. I put them in the center of her tank, find out where she is hiding, introduce her to her food and then close the lid. She circles around them and then strikes.

I feed him on a paper plate. I have done that since he was a baby. He gets excited when he sees the paper plate. Of course now that he is over two feet long, his back half is usually wrapped around my hand and arm while his front half is actually on the plate.

After seeing someone here do it, I started feeding pinkies to Josephine right out of my hand. Very cool to watch. probably won't do that for much longer and will go back to offering her a food item in her bowl which is then removed from the viv.