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How do you feel about God.

I'm Baptist. I beleive in God. The Bible gives me proof that He is real. The blessings He has given me and my family give me proof He is real. The fact that I feel need to read the Bible lets me know He is real. My faith in him is the main thing that lets me know He is real.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
Phillipians 4:13 (NKJV)

"...The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"
1 Samuel 16:7B (NLT)

God Bless you ALL. Have a happy Thanksgiving. :)
Just to clear something up. I am not religious. I don't follow a religion of rules, trying to win my way into heaven. That is impossible.

I have a relationship with the One true God, who paid for my sins by the blood, death, and resurrection of His son, the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. Without His atonement for my sinful nature, along with the sins I commit against a holy God, I would be doomed to suffer for all eternity.

Nothing I do, no matter how "good", could ever win me favor in the eyes of God. Sin's penalty has always been death. It was the death of a perfect God in the form of Man that appeased His wrath once and for all.

No, it is not a religion. It is a relationship. All other religions call for man to work his way into heaven. Christianity is the only "religion" where God Himself loved enough to take the punishment upon Himself, and give that redemption freely to those who love Him, for those who hear His calling and believe in faith.

The wisdom of God is foolish to men. The wisdom of men is foolish to God. In a very short period of time, we will all realize the truth when we step into eternity.

Peace to all! Shalom!
Oh, and it is out of love and gratitude that I obey my Lord's teaching. He is my master, and I am His willing slave. He purchased me with His very life, giving me eternal peace and blessings for all eternity. So I humbly and with great joy bow down before the King of kings, the Lord of the universe. It is a pleasure to obey instead of sin. And the blessings that come from obedience here on earth far outweigh the temporary pleasures of sin - which bring guilt and consequences.

This is my life. This is my joy. And it is as real and true as this sofa I am sitting on.

Again, peace to all.
Well, Knox, I'm with ya!

Nanci - lol! I did have a typo, that's funny. You'd almost think I did it on purpose.

As far as religious conversations, my thoughts on what happens is that people who do believe in God and being saved, want so much to convince the non-believers to believe b/c we believe they will live tormented in hell for eternity. I know I hate when I see athiest or agnostic, personally, it makes me sad for them. But I know they have every right to believe what they want, but based on what I believe (entirely through faith) it's hard not to want to try and convince them to believe.

That's my take. I don't go gung ho on religion, I do wrong things. I don't go to church but I do have the one one one relationship Knox talked about. I don't think God cares if we work on Sunday, although He created it to be a day of rest, I think the pork thing was back in BC times and well drinking, I would think God would not get upset as long as we don't overindulge. We can also overindulge in snakes!
Hmm... Well if there was such a thing as a god, then how could I stand to not be one for five minutes? All kidding aside, I don't believe in God, and don't want to worry about such a thing. Anyways, I think that if God did exist, then Auschwitz would not, nor would judgemental people. I don't judge anyone on religion, and thing religion has done the opposite of it's initial purpose, bringing people apart. And, religions are often changed based on greedy situation. Soda became fine for mormens to drink once they got stock in cola.
are you talking to me? I was raised Baptist, and am Christian but I'm sure plenty of other "religions", Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist are Christians. I don't know if there is a difference between calling Christianity it self as a religion vs all of the various ones.

I do think it's strange that the Muslims faith is supposed to be non violent. I'm sure most muslims are non violent, but I don't get how the ones who do what they do think that's right if they are a non violent religion.
Christianity isn't a religion? What?

I don't believe it is a religion. To those of us who follow Christ, it is a relationship. It is communion with God through prayer and His word.

The fact that there are many religions in itself ousts Christianity as one of them. For me personally, labeling Christianity as a religion is trying to equate it with other belief systems.

All of life, all of creation makes sense to me when filtered through the word of God. And those things that don't seem to make sense at one time or another are still under the sovereignty of my God who has all power in His hands. So I can still trust.

Of course, this is foolish talk to those who do not believe. I was once there, but the Lord lovingly opened my eyes and saved me from the very sin that enslaved me.
Sometimes, especially when I'm outside at night, and I look up at the sky, I wonder what it must be like to be of a different faith. I have friends who are Hindu and Buddhist. Sometimes they say things that intrigue me, and I wonder what it would be like to have been raised like that. I wonder how people can convert to a different faith. It seems like you would have to change an essential core part of yourself.
Here's an interesting thought.

Those who are atheists are following the religion of atheism. Just like Christians, atheists believe they are the only ones who "have it right". But they are in the same boat as Christians in that they can not disprove God exists. They believe, in faith, that there is no God.

There is no scientific proof that God does not exist. No matter what anyone says, you can not prove that He isn't real. You simply have to believe He isn't real to be an atheist.

And as closed-minded as Christians may be seen to be, aren't others as closed-minded for believing that they are the only ones who know the "real truth"?
Atheism is to religion like bald is to hair color. I don't know who wrote that, sorry! How can I believe in something that doesn't exist? That doesn't make sense, in my opinion.

But, well, I don't think that I am the only one who "has it right". There very well may be a god of some sort, I don't know. However, Christians think that they are the ones who have it right, and Hindus think they are the ones, and Muslims think they are the ones, etc.

Ah, but there is no scientific proof that a god or deity does exist. Just like ghosts! And I am not saying that gods are ghosts. Besides, proof of the Bible is not (in my opinion) proof that the Christian god exists--with that reasoning, we could come to the conclusion that Harry Potter and wizardry exists because it says so in a series of seven books. Is there other outward proof that a god exists? Like, have you ever had a conversation with your god?

I don't think saying that you have a good house, family, job, etc is proof that he exists, because then you think about all of those super poor African people who have been converted to Catholicism. I mean, a LOT of very religious people starve, have no good water, get malaria, etc. Why isn't your god helping those people? What have they done to deserve a life like that?
There _is_ no proof. Who needs proof?

What do you think Steve Jobs saw when he passed from this life to whatever comes next? "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."
Here's an interesting thought.

Those who are atheists are following the religion of atheism. Just like Christians, atheists believe they are the only ones who "have it right". But they are in the same boat as Christians in that they can not disprove God exists. They believe, in faith, that there is no God.

There is no scientific proof that God does not exist. No matter what anyone says, you can not prove that He isn't real. You simply have to believe He isn't real to be an atheist.

And as closed-minded as Christians may be seen to be, aren't others as closed-minded for believing that they are the only ones who know the "real truth"?

First of all atheism is not a religion. A religion would require a diety to be worshipped which atheists dont have.

Second, its not just the christian god that atheists dont believe in. its all of the gods past and present.

Thirdly, theres no scientific proof that leprachauns and unicorns dont exist either. but they dont exist.

Just saying that something cant be proven to not exist isnt proof of its existence, its just pretty word play used to avoid the burden of proof.