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How hard to find Sunkissed Amel het Caramel?


New member
Just one more year and my little Sigyn will be old enough and big enough to breed. I need to test her and see if she is Ultramel and if she is sunkissed or het sunkissed. Also a lot of people said she looked maybe het Caramel.

So I was wondering how hard it will be to find a Sunkissed Amel that is het Caramel? Of course they can have other hets as well (just like to know what they are). I just really want Caramel in there!

Just thought I'd ask here so that I didn't make a pointless wanted add.
I would think it would be quite difficult!
Do you know exactly what she is as far as genetics?
Just breeding her to this or that is like a stab in the dark.
No idea what here genetics are. However I have to start somewhere. Originally I was just going to get a sunkissed amel. But I thought I would see if I could get one with some hets that I wanted to test for so I wouldn't need multible snakes.

I figured as much about the het caramel.
Yes, I guess you could do that.

But if she was a "pet shop" snake, I think that there is probably little chance of sunkissed or caramel being in there. Amel I would bet on though.

She is a really beautiful girl, but you may find yourself creating lots and lots of low-to-no demand normals just trying to prove out hets that may not exist.

Edited to add, it's not only hard finding homes for all those babies, but what if the unthinkable happened and your girl became eggbound and died? Please think long and hard before doing this, ok?
You might ask SMR or someone else big, if they have a snake with what you want in genetics. They don't list all of the various hets that might be contained in an animal, don't list individuals usually. But they have enough projects going that they might have something a bit more off the wall. Don is very nice and replies to emails within 24 hours.