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How long after prelay shed??


This will be my first clutch ever so I am a bit anxious over here! lol
My girl just finished her prelay shed this morning, typically how long after prelay shed until they lay eggs?

She has gone off her food and has seemed restless for at least the past week. She is in and out of her lay box all the time... (actually right now she is literally half in./half out) lol
Thought I would add a few pics I just took :)


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BTW Nanci, not sure if you remember a while back when I posted the pics of my snakes locked...

This snake was supposedly the male and the other the female(according to the person I got them from)..... well obviously you were right when you told me the position they were in looked like this one was the female. lol
Medusa did the same thing--in & out of the box & half in & out until the day she laid :) she laid hers starting on the 9th day,carried over to the 10th day :) Winter had her prelay shed on the 21st,so waiting on her right now....
I've only had the one experience so far, but she started 12 days after her shed. Seems she's about average. :)
As much as I'd like to but-heds with Nanci, I cannot in this instance.
Once she (yor snake, not Nanci) gets in the laybox, and does not come out, please leave her the heck alone for a few days. No "checking but she didn't see me" or other self-justified reasons to "take a peek". Leave her alone. Its her first time pushing out a messlode of baby eggs. Checking on her repeatedly will lead to egg binding issues in first-time-layers is my personal generalization on this subject. Just leave em alone and let it happen. Your snake is an individual, so maybe she'll take 18 days to drop the clutch post prelay shed. I've also had [RARE] instances of double-pre-lay-sheddings.
BTW Nanci, not sure if you remember a while back when I posted the pics of my snakes locked...

This snake was supposedly the male and the other the female(according to the person I got them from)..... well obviously you were right when you told me the position they were in looked like this one was the female. lol

That's funny!! Here's the thread :)

I'm curious- when did the real female reveal herself???