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How many animals are in your home right now?

How many animals are in your house right now?

  • 0 - But I'm planning on adding to the family sometime (why else would I be here?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-5

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • 6-20

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • 21-50 -

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • 51-100

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • 101+

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • I honestly have no idea and/or cannot count that high!

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters


River Valley Reptiles
I have several pets, and now I am also caring for some of my friend's snakes. I have what could be considered by an outsider to be an excessive amount of animals in my home. I wouldn't have it any other way. Right now, sharing my roof at this very moment, I have...

3.2.8 corn snakes
4.8 corn snakes (friend's)
1.1 brazilian rainbow boas
1.0 columbian rainbow boa
0.0.1 asian vine snake
0.2 ball pythons
1.0 thayeri king snake
1.1 kenyan sand boas
1.0 blood python
3.0 amazon tree boas (friend's)
0.0.2 southern ringneck snakes
0.3 brahminy blind snakes
0.1 leopard gecko
0.0.1 bahama anole
Total: 45 reptiles

1.4.5 dumbo rats
0.1 roborovky hamster
1.1 ferrets
2.0 cats
1.0 dog
Total: 16 mammals

0.0.1 gourami
0.0.4 neon tetras
0.0.2 glass catfish
0.0.1 bala shark
0.0.1 deformed cardinal tetra
2.0 betta fish
Total: 11 fish

Grand Total:
72 non-humanoid creatures under my roof! Considering I'm not a big breeder or anything, that's quite a few. I'll never feel lonely again.

So.... how many do you have? This is not a contest by any means! I'm all for having a lot of animals - if you have the means to care for each and every one properly. I was just curious and wanted to post a census of sorts to see if other people are as crazy as I am.
This may take a while.....

1.0 Golden Retriever
0.1 Whippet
1.1 cats
1.2 ferrets
0.2 guinea pigs
0.2 gerbils
0.2 Roborovski's hamsters
0.1 former-feeder mouse
0.1 blue rat
0.1 albino African pygmy hedgehog

1.1 cockatiels
1.0 Nanday conure
2.0 budgerigars

0.1.2 crested geckos (plus one missing male, lost in the basement)
0.0.1 gargoyle geckos
2.1 leopard geckos
1.0 bearded dragon
0.0.1 blue tongued skink
0.0.1 armadillo lizard

10 cornsnakes of varying genders, 2 of which have been sold and are awaiting shipping
1.1 Hog Island boas, one of which has been sold
1.0 red tailed boa
0.1 Dumeril's boa
2.1 ball pythons
1.0 Children's python
1.2 kingsnakes of varying types
2.0.1 milksnakes of varying types
1.0 hybrid jungle corn
1.1 Baird's rats
1.0 Black rats
1.1 hognose snake
1.0 Kenyan sand boa
0.1 African housesnake

0.1.1 tarantulas (one fireleg and a rosey)

0.0.1 Eastern painted turtle
0.0.1 Striped mud turtle
0.1 Easten box turtle
0.0.1 Sulcata tortoise hatchling

1.0 albino horned frog
0.1 African bullfrog
0.1 American toad

We also have a 55 gallon tropical community, a 75 gallon mbuna community, a 50 gallon with a lone common wolffish, and a 10 gallon marine reef, all that is left of about 350 gallons of aquariums I had in my last classroom.

Edit to add: I think my family is about one step shy of either staging an intervention or calling in the Catholic priest to do an exorcism.
Wow! That certainly is a lot of animals! In my house we have:

3.3 Corns
1.0 Black Milk
0.1 Ball Python
Red Eared Slider

2 Chihuahua/Rat Terrier Mixes
3 Cats

And that's it! So that's a grand total of 14 animals. Of those 14, 11 are mine. LOL (The cats & snakes)
I have about 80 non-humanoids right now, but it doesn't feel like that many with most of my corn snakes brumating and my hatchlings almost sold out.
Edit to add: I think my family is about one step shy of either staging an intervention or calling in the Catholic priest to do an exorcism.

That genuinely made me laugh. My mother has finally accepted my companions, and now tells everyone that she has "grandsnakes" instead of grandchildren. My sister brings the kids over to visit "Aunt Amanda's Zoo."
3.2 Corn Snake (Various Morphs)
0.1 King Ratsnake
0.1 Radiated Ratsnake
3.1 Black Ratsnakes (Various Morphs)
3.4 Eastern Garters (Normals and High Yellows)
0.1 Heralds Snake
0.1 Mole Kingsanke
0.0.1 Crested Gecko
1.0 Taiwan Beauty Snake
0.1 Northern Water Snake
0.1 Vaejovis Scorpion
0.0.1 Musk Turtle
2.0 Cats
We normally have only four. One american eskimo dog, two little pom/spitz thingies, one corn snake. I've got 2 other corn snakes here right now, but they're just temps.
Wow! Some of us have large nonhumanoid families. Mind you, I have 4 cats ~at the moment~ the number has often gone up suddenly if I found a homeless cat (I've had as many as 7 at once). At one point I had mice -- several hundred mice at any given time. At the ~moment~ I only have 3 reptiles, all corn snakes. That will change next year, I expect to get to 10-15 reptiles in 2010, depending on what happens with the clutches I am on waiting lists for.
Let's see. I counted this out recently...

8.16.1 snakes (counting the 2.8 baby corns, and assuming Ed the BP truly is male)
1.0 Bearded Dragon
0.1 Russian Tortoise
2.2 Dogs.

Grand total: 31 (I think!) non-human entities.

Geeze, it doesn't feel like that many when I list it like that. I think I need more! xD
I honestly have no idea. 3 snakes, 1 dog- that parts easy.. It's the fish tanks that are impossible and probably changing daily. Between the shrimp, the endlers, and the guppies it's probably changing daily, but easily a couple hundred.
I honestly have no idea. 3 snakes, 1 dog- that parts easy.. It's the fish tanks that are impossible and probably changing daily. Between the shrimp, the endlers, and the guppies it's probably changing daily, but easily a couple hundred.

What kind of shrimp do you keep?
2.1 snakes
1.1 cats
1.0 dog
1.0 tailless whip scorpion

Not too many. I could add a dozen or so more without batting an eye, but the husband would probably throttle me. :D
What kind of shrimp do you keep?

Red Cherry Shrimp.. They are so easy, I really don't do anything for them. I take care of the water and they eat the scraps! But they are pretty little things. I have them in both my 55 and my 42 (I think it's 42) gallon tanks.
Red Cherry Shrimp.. They are so easy, I really don't do anything for them. I take care of the water and they eat the scraps! But they are pretty little things. I have them in both my 55 and my 42 (I think it's 42) gallon tanks.

I have tried those several times from local pet shops. They are expensive here AND they never last. It irritates me. They are gorgeous and fun to keep.
Are you sure they weren't crystal red shrimp? Those are tough from what I understand. Really I don't think I could kill these cherry reds but with poison.
I'd be happy to send you some if you ever want to try again. I started with 20 and I tell you they are just everywhere..