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How many animals are in your home right now?

How many animals are in your house right now?

  • 0 - But I'm planning on adding to the family sometime (why else would I be here?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-5

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • 6-20

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • 21-50 -

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • 51-100

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • 101+

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • I honestly have no idea and/or cannot count that high!

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
2.2 cornsnakes
3.6 green tree pythons
3.3 amazons
0.0.7 amazon babies
1.2 snail eating snakes
1.1 false water cobras
0.1 eyelash viper
0.2 rhodesian ridgebacks
2 foster dogs of varying breeds and sexes
2.0 cats
2.0 horses
I currently have 13 animals.

4.3 Cornsnakes
0.0.1 Bullsnake
0.1 Black Milksnake

1.1 ASF Rats (hmm, they just had babies tonight, so that number is actually higher)

0.1 Fat tabby cat
1.0 Maltese Dog.
We have 12 animals in our household, and 11 of them are ours. Eight snakes, two dogs, two fish. (Our roommates have one of the fish :D) We're done for a while - until we get into a for sure permanent home - but we love animals and there are plenty more to come!
Total of 18.
3.4 cats
0.3 dogs
1.0 Cockatiel
0.0.2 Crested geckos
1.1 sirtilis pickeringi
1.1.1 corn snakes
That's actually a bit less than we've had at times.
I never remember how many animals I have. I knew I had more than 50 and less than 100 but did not know the exact number. I always say as long as they are fed, cleaned and cared for I don't need to know how many there are lol. It took some thought and here is the list of my zoo.

8.8.4 Corns
1.2 Candoia
1.1 Caulker Cay Boas
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
2.0. Ball Pythons
1.0 Prairie King

2.2 Green Iguanas
1.0 Spinytail Iguana
1.1 Beaded Dragon
1.0.2 Crested Geckos
2.2 Leopard Geckos
0.1 African Fat Tail Gecko

2.0 Estern Box Turtles
0.0.1 Eatern Mud Turtle
1.0 African Helmet Turtle
1.2.1 Red Eared Sliders
0.2 Northern Red Belly Turtles
1.0 Western Painted Turtle

Furry Critters-
0.1 Dog
0.2 Indoor cats
1.8 Outdoor cats
0.2 Rabbits

4.0 Bettas
2.0.4 Comet Goldfish
2.0 Oranda Goldfish
1 Snail

Total-82 animals
Non-scaled Critters
0.3 cats (tortie, tuxedo)
2.0 dogs (rottie, italian greyhound)
5.0 parrots (GCC, BCC, severe macaw, eclectus, lovebird)
3.5 pet rats

1.1 bairdi rat snakes
7.8 corn snakes (includes hatchlings for sale)
1.0 ball python

Total of 36 animals.

This thread makes me feel A LOT better! I feel like I dont have that many animals now LOL (although my family wouldn't agree)
0.1 collie dog
0.1 bearded collie dog
1.0 himalayan cat
0.1 siamese cat
0.1 dwarf rabbit
1.0 bearded dragon
1.4.1 leopard geckos
1.3 corn snakes
1.0 hogg isle boa
1.0 baird's rat snake
3.0 ball pythons
4 corns, 2 black milks, 2 gargoyle geckos, 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 birds, 1 hedgehog, 1 betta, 4 mice. I guess that's 19 for me.
I'm in the 21 to 50 range. Lol.. Too long and to late at night to type everything out. My signature has most of them.
Well, I can't compete with most of you. ;)

I only have a cat, a dog, and my snake of course. My betta finally died last week after a very long life but I'm hoping to get another. And my boyfriend is getting me another corn for Christmas...so my collection is growing!
This thread makes me feel A LOT better! I feel like I dont have that many animals now LOL (although my family wouldn't agree)

I keep hoping Dean will post pics of his place back when he had "the bug." Maybe I can get Lori to slip me some photos. Then I can wave those in the priests face when he comes for the intervention and exorcism.

Or those photos of the guy in Sweeden who made his kitchen cabinets into snake vivs... anyone ever see that one? The dude seriously ate off of paper plates and plastic utensils to free up space. :crazy02:
Two rooms in my house are wholly dedicated to critters (well, one of which is also my office), with a few other display tanks in other rooms too (the BRBs, the vine snake, and the leopard gecko). There's only two of us in a 4 bedroom 2 bath house, so... yeah. Gotta fill it up with something!
1.0 Dog
1.0 Cat
16 Cornsnakes
16 hatchlings
1.1 Milksnakes
2.3 Kingsnake
3.5 Ball Pythons
1.3 Crested Geckos