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Well, all my snakes rattle and it is very, very rarely followed by a bite. If you put your hand down over him flat, it makes it hard for him to bite. Once he is out, he should calm down. He is just very afraid of you!
well the last time i held him he rattled but it didnt bother me cause he didnt even try to strike but anyway today i went to the store got some tongs and a pinkie mouse came home and put it in front of him he struck at it and had it swallowed in 5 seconds at most so yes im very happy at the moment i used the time to change his water. my new question is hes fully grown hasnt eaten and just ate a pinkie so he is definantly still hungry should i offer some more pinkies if so how many or should i offer a small or large mouse?
Dont force him right back on his full meals, offer him one small meal 2 or 3 pinkies should be suitable for this week. Next week offer him say a small pup rat and then from there whatever it was you were feeding before. Now that he is eating you dont want to stress him out by forcing food on him to get him healthy again. keep him on a regular schedual for example my snakes usually get fed every friday. When you start offering him larger sizes if he doesn't take it with in a hour two of your offer take it out and try again in a day or two and if then still nothing try a smaller prey. Also some snakes are easliy startled by movement so as long as your not feeding live try leaving him alone with it for an hour or so if hes in a room where theres frequent traffic try covering the tank with a thin towel. I find that my snakes are quicker to react to their food later in the evenings. Hope this helps.
well i fed him yesterday and i gave a little rest to check and make sure there was no regurge or anything he handled it well im gonna feed him pinkies probably today either one or two of them. if he only eats pinkies could i keep him healthy eating only pinkies? im gonna try feeding him others but hes a very stubborn snake
also about the frequent traffic hes in my room and only has to deal with me nobody else is aloud near my room or near the tank
I wouldn't leave him going on pinkies try and work him back up to his normal feeding size. Have you ever considered that he might not eat like the hair.
It's a male, it's not eating during the spring time (not a shocker for male snakes). If you don't feel like it's going to improve, sell it for $50 and let the other guy fix it. No one cares what money YOU spent on the snake, it's got a problem, either you're too impatient to wait it out and work with it, or YOU didn't provide good husbandry.

Either way, it's on you.
i figured he doesnt like hair so im gonna give him some pinkys until he back up to eating right then ill try a actual mouse and yes im feeding live now cause i was told he has never ate pre killed or dead so i wanted to slowly switch him over although i do shake the mouse up a little to disorient it before putting it in i plan on switching over to pre killed soon and thanks everyone well almost everyone for not giving rude comments ive got him eating and im slowly getting him back to normal although if i do sell him i dont plan on doing it until i have him better and in top health
Ken, I have a corn snake right now that before I got her, she had eaten nothing but live, ever since she was a hatchling... She ate the first F/T offered to her with no problem. Just make sure they are really hot, and sometimes you need to do the zombie mouse dance.

Another note, I have had a couple of wild snakes as well switch over to F/T mice right away as well. In fact, my Gopher snake is the one snake I have that is very soft mouthed when it comes to feeding, today he slowly took the mouse out of my hand, it was very interesting. I was expecting him to be a hard striker, but not in the least.
cocoa not yet ive been stuck in bed lately ( stupid flu) but im getting him a few pinkies tonight to eat. and outcast i was planning on switching him over slowly but im thinking maybe the reason he wasnt eating was cause they were live i mean he eats pinkies which are pratically dead on account they dont move so after i switch him off pinkies ill try to switch him to prekilled this way maybe he will keep eating
In switching I found fresh-killed still twitching worked a treat. Cervically dislocate the mouse by firmly holding a pencil across the back of its neck and give a sharp tug on the base of the tail then feed off straight away
In switching I found fresh-killed still twitching worked a treat. Cervically dislocate the mouse by firmly holding a pencil across the back of its neck and give a sharp tug on the base of the tail then feed off straight away

Or CO2. I agree, a freshly killed mouse is generally accepted faster than a thawed one. There are so so many tricks you can use to get a stubborn feeder to eat.
Well I fed him last night he ate a pinky and a small fuzzy perfectly he doesn't constrict at all so I'm keeping him on prekilled but I rewarded his eating with a long stick wrapped in leaves that he loves climbing and wrapping around
Viper keeper, forces the mouth open enough to get the head of the wet thawed pinkie in and then uses forceps to push it clear into the throat and then he gently works the pinkie down further by manipulating from outside the snakes body where the pinkie is . He does this with venomous snakes so it seems if a person is careful with the forceps you should try force feeding.
No cause he eats pinkies and force feeding should only be done in extreme cases thank for the input though
so ive tried mice and he still wont eat them he will only eat pinkies nd fuzzies thats all