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How Old is YOUR Oldest Corn???

My cousin/uncle's amel, corny, is at leas 15 now,(they've had it longer than my cousin) and was known as 'He' until about 3 years ago when she laid a few slugs.
My corn oldest is ten... I may have a king older than her, but he's been passed around so much its hard to really know.
This is Ami, when she arrived two years ago, that first few weeks she was a miserable, bitey wreck. Now she's everyone's favorite snake, even my boyfriends 5 year old brother loves to hold her when he comes over (he loves coming to see "His Ami").

You can kind of see her fat deposits in this picture from where her former owners were feeding her several large jumbo mice every feeding. She's about 4.5-5 feet, dwarfed only by my albino gopher snake.

I got my Snow boy Rufus as a hatchling on my 18th Birthday, I just turned 25 on the first of this month so that makes him 7 now.
Update: My boy Bartholomew turned 4 last month! I remember getting him back in '09. he was so tiny. I know we have some new members, so feel free to share!
I have a male Amel Baby who died 3 years ago who was 22. I have a female Amel Una who is coming up on 21 this year. My others are all 3 and under. Those two were my first.
I'm pretty sure my original cornsnake is still around in a classroom in Illinois...he'd be about 11 or so now.
My first Corn, a female Miami, I had her for nearly 20 years. My oldest now will be 15 this year and is still going strong.

My oldest snake, how-ever, is my first California Kingsnake, and he will be 19 this year...

I just stumbled on this thread and wanted to post. My oldest corn is about 15. My oldest snake is a Texas rat and he is, believe it or not, 29 y.o.
A healthy cornsnake should become 15-20 years, if it is not sick or to heavily inbred.

I gave away my oldest, a healthy egg laying female, when she was 15 yrs old.
Thanx, but i just realized that Crush who already had a cataract in one eye, now has them in both eyes. :( he's getting old.

The only blind snake is the snake with no tongue. FWIW, make sure that snake gets NO UVB radiation, which will speed up the deterioration. I would keep lights off of it altogether if it's got amel.

Back on subject, I still have a couple of okeetees with hatch dates in the 90's.
In 2008 I got my first, Pinky (f amel) and Moe (f normal?) from Craigslist. They were between 12 and 18 or so inches (older hatchling or young juveniles?) so possibly they are 07, that would make them perhaps 6 years old? I traded for Rex (m bloodred) in 2010? and was told that he was possibly 4-5 years old so that would make him - wow, 8 or 9, possibly 10 years old!

It is hard to measure mine, since it's just me. But guesstimating based on my height (5"2) Rex may be about 4.5 feet, he isn't too interested in stretching out along my arms.

he's also a bit of a butthead, and I will never willingly brumate him again, he turned into a complete ass. (only time I've ever been bitten).
Pinky and Moe are just fine, Pinky has been especially calm the few times she's been handled by people new to snakes.
I've not had him sexed but I'm pretty sure my juvenile motley LG 'Elgee' is a boy, He's showing a LOT of interest right now in Moe (who's next to him) and he's been good about being handled.
My oldest, and only (so far) corn snake is 7 ... months, lol. He's an inch or two over 2 feet long by my best estimate, I need to use the corn calc ap to measure him properly, and was 72 grams when I weighed him last weekend. Tomorrow is feeding day, so I'll get to see how much weight he has gained since then!
I rescued a beautiful but cranky snow a few months ago and she is 13. She strikes often when you go to pick her up which is why they didn't want her anymore, but she has never broken my skin and I have learned to strike before she does and once I am holding her she is fine.