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I can't decide!!


New member
So I'm getting two corns this summer from SMR, and I'm having a really hard time deciding between two different corns. I know for certain that I am going to get a High White Reverse Okeetee...but for my second I'm stuck between a normal Butter or a Creamsicle Okeetee. Originally I was all for the Creamsicle Okeetee (and yes, I am aware that this kind of snake is a hybrid ;)) but, and I hope this doesn't sound weird, I'm worried about getting two snakes that are too similar in color. Which is why I then considered getting a Butter. But I keep going back and forth between the two and frankly I'm driving myself nuts!

Again, I hope it doesn't sound weird that I'm worrying about my snakes being similar in color. But I am both an artist and a very visual person, so color has a lot of importance to me.

Any ideas?? What would you guys choose?? I know I'll end up making the decision in the end...but I'd just like to see what others would do. (And no I cannot get three corns, no matter how much I want to XD).
I'd pick the Butter but, that's just me. Granted I'm a little bias because of my little Ra though. :D
Definately the butter....if it is a choice between the 2.
If not maybe something with deep reds or greys or something striped...
Lol, looks like I'm going for the Butter.

And yes I have seen both the motley and the stripe. But for some reason I really prefer the normal Butter. I think it has to do with the pattern on the snake and how the colors go from a deep yellow, to bright yellow, to white.

Ehh...maybe I'm just weird XD
I don't think worrying about the color is weird at all! I've come to the conclusion that i cannot have another dark anery, because I already *have* a dark anery--my Mallie girl--and I probably won't be getting a normal or an amel any time soon, because my roommate already has both of those that I can oggle at (but that doesn't rule out okeetees and ROs--I'd LOVE to have an RO!!!). There's such a variety in corn snakes, it would just be a shame not to take advantage of that! Why get two identical corn snakes, when you can have two that are just strikingly different?

Anyway... My vote's on the butter... And I agree with the earlier posts--consider the Butter Motleys and Stripes! :)