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I did it again :( Meet Tilly and Todd!

Lol i find it utterly ridiculous how you can stomp on them, smash them with frying pans, squish them etc, however when you feed them to a snake, its ILLEGAL!!! At least it has a purpose and not going to waste ;)
true. putting them in the freezer is meant to be one of the most humane ways of doing it,so i've been told.
maybe for very young mice like pinkies or small fuzzies, but its a very slow and painful death for the older mice...

How would you like to freeze to death?! ;)
Live feeding, and humane dispatch not illegal in Uk, if you can prove no cruelty intended, in fact the onus would be on the prosecutor to prove you were being unnecessarily cruel, just think about London Zoo and other animal collections, ever seen them in the news for feeding live vetebrate prey? The law has never been tested, probably because the wording is so ambiguous that it would be almost impossible to secure a prosecution.
I was threatened with this by a person when I said I was going to have to try live for Lil, and looked up the relevant legislation and info, so I keep detailed weight /feeding records, plus all my e-mail correspondance relating to her problems, just in case
diamondlil said:
Live feeding, and humane dispatch not illegal in Uk, if you can prove no cruelty intended, in fact the onus would be on the prosecutor to prove you were being unnecessarily cruel, just think about London Zoo and other animal collections, ever seen them in the news for feeding live vetebrate prey? The law has never been tested, probably because the wording is so ambiguous that it would be almost impossible to secure a prosecution.
I was threatened with this by a person when I said I was going to have to try live for Lil, and looked up the relevant legislation and info, so I keep detailed weight /feeding records, plus all my e-mail correspondance relating to her problems, just in case

really? well,you learn something new everyday! :) thats why i love this site! i've never read anything about the law of it, i just got the info by talking to people about it. i don't really think you can compare a zoo to someone who keeps a few snakes,but i see your point! :) cheers lil! :cheers:
no worries, I had to do the legwork because I was under threat, and what I mean by the comparison with big collections is just logic, in a collection breeding some possibly endangered reptiles, there are bound to be live-only feeders, and those collections have no immunity from the law, so the evil anti-herp fraternity could easily try to secure a case against them if they were interested, and they haven't so far...............