Hey Rich, ever thought of having people pay to tour your establishment? Or do you already do that? That might help raise your income considerably. I know that the local reptile refuge "dump" charges $8 to come see the sick malnourished animals! lol
But seriously, it may be a consideration for ya! Do you have ANY employees? Does any income allow for that?
I know that around here, things sound the same, not many people could ever consider not working a "day job" in order to breed reptiles, but there is one local guy who specializes in boids, particularly rare ball python morphs, and he seems to be doing VERY well at it. Mind you plain albino balls right now sell for $3000 each, and you get an average of 6-8 per year from a good female and one male can usually easily be used on more than 6 females! :0!
He sells some of his snakes for $14000 yes, that's THREE zeros!
I love corns and ball pythons but for now I'll stick with the nice cheap corns aside from my two female balls...