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I really want another..

Ya know... I started out with a pair (anery and amel) that my wife and I rescued from a petco (which has since greatly improved, after many discussions with management about their reptile habitats. They hired someone.). They were being kept on wet repti bark and trying to feed them crickets. The funny thing is we'd gone in to buy this lovely lavender striped king snake... who was a really angry snake, so we stepped over and saw these corns... on sale. That was how it started...

Now I have 11 corns, 2 rats, and a king, and 2 more babies coming this fall,... whereupon I am "out of room" for snakes until I start breeding in a couple more years.

Addictive is too gentle a word.
I fell in love with my blizzard 6 weeks ago and already got another , my little black albino and now im thinkin i need one with a bit of colour in it , but i know i need to slow down because i am new to snakes and the simple fact that my husband wont let me .
So is there a rule of some kind, "it doesn't really count as 'another snake' if it's different morph / species.." ? :p
haha I understand. I got a corn 2 weeks ago, loved him sooo much that when the Petco Reptile Rally thing came around, I got another one. Normally I'd buy from another store, but he was so cute and nice and half off...couldnt help myself! haha
I've begged my dad to be allowed to have more snakes probably since November... A month after I got little Saga. XD We're in the process of buying a house, and there's this little "suite" down in the basement with a large room and a woodstove with an adjoining bathroom and "other" room, and a kitchette down the hall. I called DIBS, and that "other" room will be my snakeroom! Funny thing is, even though Dad calls it the snakeroom too, he's EXTREMELY resistant to my getting more than two snakes, and even just for the second snake, I had to ask him while he was so distracted, he forgot he didn't want more than one in the house. Haha. His response when I ask about breeding them is hilarious and yet also frightening. XD