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I'm back!


Vet nurse in training!
Hey everyone,
Haven't been on the forum for a while because I've been busy with my vet nursing course and because I set up my own business! :crazy02: So I am now a fully certified equine massage therapist (for you guys from Montana, I qualified with Coreen Kelly from Corvallis (sp?))

Anyway, just thought I'd pop back and see how everyone is doing with their corns and stuff. Hope you're all well! :)

Rach x
Hi Rachel and welcome back! You've missed a hurricane in Florida and lots of people having lots of hatchlings amongst other things.
Congratulations on your certification.
Welcome back

There was also a heavy influx of new members from your side of the pond. A couple of interesting threads and even more interesting personalities...........:)

What equine breeds do you work with?
Haven't missed the hurricane...it's been all over the news here (plus my relatives live in N.Carolina so have been getting it there too). It's also been throwing some bad weather over here too but nowhere near as bad as some of you guys have had it...hope you all are ok!

Cav, I work with all equine breeds...have been working quite a few thoroughbreds, arabs (my fav!), clydesdales, shires, sports horses....the list goes on! Also, my dogs are appreciating me perfecting my techniques on them too! Lol!

Anyway, off to check out the new threads and new people. Have just spent a whole semester arguing with some british herpers in my class about housing together, feeding properly etc so hoping that there isn't any of them on this site :)