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Important note about my Shatter lines


Down with the sickness
Insiders Club
Hello all,

This year I was quite devastated to hatch a stargazer in my Shatter lines. All my Shatter lines trace back to the same Sunkissed sire so everything I have sold to this point can be a carrier. I am very sorry for this, I had no clue. All I can do now is let everyone know and start over. I am starting over with animals that I am told are from tested lines, and I will probably test them myself also just to be sure as I already have a clutch of Classics het Lava Shatter from these animals. I am sorry I didn't announce this when I found out a few months ago, but things have been crazy here and I just didn't have a chance until now. :(
Oh no! Thats to bad but at least you told people instead of keeping it to yourself. Then people can take necessary precautions.
Carol, I am so sorry to hear that. How frustrating!
Thank you for coming forward! This is why you have been and always will be one of my favorite breeders.
Carol, I am so sorry to hear that. How frustrating!
Thank you for coming forward! This is why you have been and always will be one of my favorite breeders.

Agreed. I just came here and this right here tells me you're one to be trusted. Wish that more people were ethical like you.
On the bright side, one of the new _tested_ females is settling in here for a fun new project in 2014 (and no, it's NOT with Mr. Heart Attack!)