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Info request on Yellow Rat Snakes

I wanted an arboreal and it was sort of between the yellow rat and a Garden phase tree boa for only $20. I wasn't too keen on the posts and videos I read about them though with giant teeth so I was thinking more on the yellow rat until it went.
The tree boas sold out too so I'm out of luck for now.

I would hold off on an ATB at the moment any way. From your posts it sounds like you are relatively new to owning snakes. An ATB is not the perfect newb snake. They can be very aggressive and touchy to care for. this would fall under a more experienced keeper category.
I would love to see some pics of this lovely lady you speak of...
I just like to drool over ratsnakes now and again..def. my fave snakes.

I couldn't help myself, I had to tell you about my rat snake. Bonnie is a "greenish" yellow rat snake. She was wild caught, although I'm not sure at what age and like Lester, she had her previous owner terrified of her. When I got her she wasn't used to being handled at all. She never once bit me or even attempted to. She would however go "nuts", it was everything I could do just to hold on to her, and I'm a pretty big guy. She's only about 5.5 foot but she is one strong snake! She only did that about the first four times I held her and now she is one of the tamest snakes I have. I love her to death! She is the most curious snake I have ever seen, always alert and just watching/looking at everyone and everything. About the only time she is in her hide is for about a day after she eats. The rest of the time she is climbing and moving and just being pretty. She even crawls from side to side in her tank when I walk across the room, like she is following me. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.
I'd be really suspicious of an ATB for $20, unless you knew the seller really well...

Its Incredible Pets here in Melbourne Florida. They have a great selection of exotics. I got one of my corns from them. They are great!
I asked them why it was so cheap and they said it was because it was the most common phase of tree boas. They had at least 20 of them. They went fast. They also sell some of their snakes on kingsnake.com and the prices on that site are usually around $50 so I can see why they flew off the shelves.

As far as owning one, I researched them a lot and leaned towards the yellow rat instead (the one I could've got lived on an enclosed porch with the normal corn I have from the same person, so I kind of wanted to reunite them) but missed that opportunity but hopefully in the future I can get one of Salamanda's offspring from her yellow rat. I'll be patiently waiting. No hurry.

It's really reasurring to hear that they can be overcome if they were not even handled before. I'm not scared of agressive snakes if it was and would look forward to a challenge if it was that way.
My YR is about 5.5 foot long, tame as can be, super inquisitive and eats like a horse.
As soon as he has digested his latest meal I will post a pic here if you don't mind.

Yes please do post some pics.
Get a pic of his cage if you don't mind so I can get an idea of some of their set ups being they love to climb.