I saw my grandfather on his death bed from emphysema. He was my favorite person: a Korean War hero, an engineer, a fisherman, naturalist, and a genius. He shouldn't have gone out that way, I deserved more time with him. My husband smokes, he started smoking with his mom at a very young age. I will not let him smoke around our kids or our pets, but I can't seem to get that point across to grandma. I've tried everything I can think of to get my husband to stop smoking, but nothing yet has worked. Sometimes I'll ask him who I should marry after he's dead. I am afraid he'll need to see his mom dieing before he gets it, but by then it will be too late.
To any of our younger snake keepers that may read this; stop the habit now, I am begging you! You may think that you are young and being social, that it's no big deal and you only hurt yourself. Your grandchildren will miss you when you die a painful death at fifty.