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Is this a real Petco policy?


Born this way
So just when I thought this Petco couldn't piss me off any more, they told me they couldn't sell a feeder mouse to somebody under the age of 18 because it was policy. But there is another Petco nearby who lets me buy mice with no problem!

The guy working there obviously has a grudge on me because a few months ago I politely told him not to feed crickets to corn snakes because it kills them. I've also had to go there several times since then and see his stupid face so he recognizes me.

So is this real? I know some of you might work at Petco. I see absolutely no point in such a "policy." I bought a snake from that exact store (that died) and they didn't ask for my age. So why would they care if I bought a mouse? Do they care more about feeder mice than snakes? Next time I'll just say I'm 18 but I'm still curious.
I think so. The reptile specialist and I at my favorite Petco know each other well, and when I got my latest little buddy (still letting him/her settle in :p ), I noted I was 16 because she asked, "So where you working now?" I've never worked... XD But she also told me not to tell the clerks that because "you have to be 18 to buy stuff here".

I think that they don't really ask because then they'd have to take longer to get you out of the store than to sell you what you want. I think it would also keep most parents from coming back to the store to return a mouse that their 8 year old bought without permission. Stuff like that.
I've worked there, but not on the main floor. But I'm pretty sure it is Petco policy that you have to be 18 to buy any live animal from petco (except for feeder crickets I suppose)
I'm pretty sure that is the policy in most places. Wally World isn't supposed to sell live fish to anyone under 18 and I think most places, chains or not, have the same policy for their live animals as well. It's a liability issue. But as long as you look close to 18, none of the stores here ask.
With fish, when I was like 8-10 years old, I bought fish all the time from Walmart and Petco and never was told no or anything, whether my mom was with me or not.
Okay, well I still hate that guy. I'd like to lock him in a room with nothing but crickets to eat and see how long he lasts. :p
Well, crickets are actually high in protein... I wouldn't mind eating some that were roasted or in chocolate or something. :p
And people look at me funny when they find out I hunt and eat wild game......at least its real meat and not bugs :p
I hate bugs. I can't have lizards because I can't deal with the bugs. xP

Look into crested and gargoyle geckos. You can feed those a powder mix that comes in a bottle. :D Their care is pretty much identical except gargoyles like more floor space than height, are more robust, and are a bit lazier.
I'm glad we don't have a Petco around us. Petsmart isn't great but they are better then Petco from all the stories I hear about Petco (not saying Petsmart doesn't have a lot of flaws too lol). I know Petsmarts policy is you can only sell feeders to people under 18 but they don't sell live feeder mice.
Well, crickets are actually high in protein... I wouldn't mind eating some that were roasted or in chocolate or something. :p

Bacon and cheddar cheese flavored,yum.

About this policy I think that you should be over 18, look and or act 18 to take any live animal(except or feeder insects.)
I usually can get live at Petco (I prefer to feed my stuff fresh killed), but I usually just grab whatever I need at work.
Boy, I can't believe some pet stores.... I work at PetSmart and no matter what size the snake is they feed it the same... a pinkie. We have a BP there that could easily handle a hopper or a small adult mouse and all they feed it is a pinkie. This poor snake hasn't eaten in over a month since being shipped to the store and last Monday, it regurged what looked like a mummified mouse to me. Actually the mouse looked more like a piece ( pardon the expression) cat crap.Monday night while I was at work, the snake was out crawling around and looked like it was looking for food. I wanted to feed it, but was told no. The next thing I saw was it just sitting it it's water dish. I assume trying to cool off from the heat lights (no UtH) they use to heat the cages. Yesterday, I was told not to feed it (again). I have just about had it.... It's making me so upset and angry... I am there to care for the animals and here they are not even feeding the snakes the proper size rodents. A baby Corn and a BP are to different size snakes and they are feeding them the same size food! What's up with that?

I feel bad for this BP and even decided to buy it and bring it home, thinking I could help it, but my daughter said she got a bad vibe from it and didn't like it, so we took the smaller baby who is only 60 grams. She's doing well...

I sold the baby Corn to a nice military couple who have lots of reptiles. That snake will be going home with them on Friday... I also gave them the addy for this site so that they could join, in which they were very thankful. I also gave them the correct information regarding taking care of a Corn and the proper housing it requires.

At least these are two snakes who are going to have the proper homes.... I have saved two.... now if only I could help others. I know I can't, but at least I am trying to give out the correct information and not giving out what the store says the snake requires.
I hate bugs. I can't have lizards because I can't deal with the bugs. xP

Uromastyx lizards don't eat bugs of any sort. In fact it is highly reccommended you don't feed them any as it is extremely hard on their liver and kidneys. They are strict vegeterians eating common veggies found in your fridge and a mixture of seeds.

So there you go, you can have a lizards.
So just when I thought this Petco couldn't piss me off any more, they told me they couldn't sell a feeder mouse to somebody under the age of 18 because it was policy. But there is another Petco nearby who lets me buy mice with no problem!

I'm guessing it could be a policy. That and the guy is pissed at you. But you're better getting f/t mice from either online vender or at a show cause if you had a snake died and you stated that they fed them crickets just think how the feeder mice are treated. I wouldn't risk it on my snakes.
Most pet stores are regulated at a state level. Most states require a person to be 18 to purchase a live animal, be it food or pet. I have refused the sale of live feeders to kids under 18 that I didn't know, personally. Goldfish, too. I only sell live feeders to those kids that I know for a fact have a parent that knows they are buying it, and they have an animal they are feeding it to. This applies to everything but insects. The truth is, most shops in most states are subject to HUGE fines for selling live animals to underage customers.

Look into crested and gargoyle geckos. You can feed those a powder mix that comes in a bottle. :D Their care is pretty much identical except gargoyles like more floor space than height, are more robust, and are a bit lazier.

[saracsm]How disrespectful do you have to be to turn a conversation about someone's experience at a PetCo into a personal discussion about geckos. This is neither the time nor the place for such insulting and disrespectful conversations. This topic is ONLY about live animals being bought and sold to people under 18. How DARE you try to have a conversation![/sarcasm]

:rolleyes: :shrugs:
I work at Petco. It is a requirement that we ask the persons age if we suspect them to be anywhere near 18. I have asked a 26 year old how old she was because she looked 17 to me. We are not allowed to sell any live animal to any person under the age of 18 without a parent present. It is a policy, and one that I most definitely stand beside. Young people's lives are constantly changing, and all we need is for more kids to be dropping off animals at our door. We get enough of that from parents who's kid doesn't want their Easter bunny anymore, or they thought it would be fun to breed guinea pigs and found out that it isn't as fun as they thought.
I have flat out refused to sell people many animals when I found out what types of housing they were going to, or whether or not they were a "present" for a 3 year old.
I try my best to be as knowledgeable about the home that the animal is going to, before selling them a pet, and I give them all of the information that I can, and depending on the animal, I give them various web pages to go to. I insist that the customer do their research before getting an animal, and in the past have been called a liar by a customer because they had a 7 year old RES that was still 5 inches long, and I told them something was wrong with the way they were housing it.
So you see, the guy could possibly have it out for you as you say. Or, he could just be following policy.
Why are you buying feeders at Petco anyway? You can get them WAY cheaper at the Wheaton show. There are a couple of vendors there but I prefer Grossboy Exotics, as they actually have their feeders in chest freezers while I've noticed some of the other guys just bring them in coolers.