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Joakim - Black Milk Snake Progression Thread (DUW!)


Well, I've finally got some decent pictures now, so I figured why not do a progression thread?
He hatched on September 21st, and I got him on October 14th from Dave Niles.
I had some troubles getting him to feed for the first time. After refusing twice, he finally ate on October 22nd (I had to put him in a deli cup for a few hours and to get him to eat.) and just defecated today.
He is kind of an interesting little guy, too. Since getting him on the 14th, he comes out anywhere between 1:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon, and cruises for at least an hour or two. Then, he goes back into hiding for a while, and will come back out in the evening. The day after I fed him, he was out cruising. I got a little worried, and checked for regurges. There was no mouse to be found, so I guess he just likes cruising so much he will even do it with a full belly.
His current weight is 27 grams, and he measures out at 15½" now. (I have to say I was really surprised at how much he weighs already!)
The best thing about Black Milks IMO, would be the fact that their skin is so velvety smooth! It's like holding a silk sheet when I handle him. And he's very relaxed and calm when i'm holding him. I love him! On with the pictures now! :)







And my favorite thing: His chin! I love how it's almost a peachy pink color. :) (He seems to like being upside down for some reason. I always get the weirdos!)
Your so lucky!!! I want a black milk in the worst way, but have been unable to find any here. Congrats, can't wait to see the progression pics.
He's gorgeous Suzy :D Isn't nice when they don't fuss when holding them? :D
Beautiful little one..looking forward to his progression ;)
brilliant snakey! cant wait to see the progression

Thanks! I can't either. After seeing Elle's Black Milk, and especially the progression, I really wanted one mostly to see the change in person. :) I'm sure it's really going to be interesting, and I will definitely be taking a lot of pictures!

He's just so cute!!!

I agree! :D Thank you, though.
By the way, in the DYK thread, I posted about his weird neck scales - They're not so weird any more. They almost looked crumpled up, but now they're fairly uniform and don't look like they did previously. But they're still darker compared to everything around it. Hopefully it'll clear up with his next shed. I'm almost thinking that he was dehydrated. Seeing as how he's always swimming through his water bowl or sitting in there, I think he re-hydrated himself. :)

Ah you have discovered the silky softness of black milks LOL

Yes, I have! I even made my brothers and my mom feel them to compare them to my Corn. They all thought he was super soft. I should have named him Silky or something like that. LOL

Your so lucky!!! I want a black milk in the worst way, but have been unable to find any here. Congrats, can't wait to see the progression pics.

Aw, well you can get one if you order through the internet! :) Just make sure you do a lot of research on the breeder first - My breeder really didn't have much information on the web, but I did an inquiry on the BOI and got a comment from somebody saying that he was a good guy, so I decided to buy from him. After I put the clutch picture up on iHerp, I got 2 additional comments saying he was a good guy, so that cemented my decision. :) I live in Kansas, and he was shipped from North Carolina, so it really wasn't too bad of a trip for the snake. (He was in the box for 13 hours total) I would definitely recommend the breeder I went through to anybody. He will even put you on a waiting list if you ask early enough. :D
Thank you!

He's gorgeous Suzy :D Isn't nice when they don't fuss when holding them?
Beautiful little one..looking forward to his progression ;)

Thanks! :)
It absolutely is! The first time I held him, he was spazzy, but after that, he was good to go. (I'm pretty sure he was stressed from the shipping, because he spazzed out when I put him in his viv.) Every time I open the lid to his viv, he will actually climb into my hand and start crawling around. It's really neat.
Thank you! :)
11/16 Update

He now weighs 31½ grams, and measured in at 17½". He's growing really quickly! Now on with the pictures. I've got lots of them, too!

Here are a couple of him in blue:




And now for today's photo shoot!






...more to come.
This is where (and how) he digested his meal. (His feeding cup was right behind him, and I didn't want to disturb him post-digestion, so I left it there. he had another hide, but just doesn't want to sleep in there much.) He just loves to be watched, I guess. He's always roaming around and re-arranging his house by pushing his hides & water bowl around.



A couple of tongue shots...


And although this may be the worst picture, it makes me giggle. :D

That's all for me today! :) Thanks for reading.
Oh and you know those grey scales on his neck that sort of look like a scab, my boy had those on his bum. But they completely vanished around half way through the change. Weird eh.
Oh and you know those grey scales on his neck that sort of look like a scab, my boy had those on his bum. But they completely vanished around half way through the change. Weird eh.

I wondered about that. He's had them since I got him, but they don't seem to bother him. At first I thought he was dehydrated, but I keep a fresh bowl of water in his tub at all times, and it hasn't gone down any. (I'm sure he knows where his bowl is, too. He moves it all the time!)
That's good to know! :) I figured it would diminish after each shed. Thanks for the info! :D
My question for you is, is Noir very active? I notice Joakim out of his hides all the time, and he's always moving the thermometer or his hides or water bowl. It's like he isn't happy with how I have it set up or something. I consulted the breeder, but he said that he doesn't know why Joakim's doing that.
Yeah Noir is out all the time in his fairy grotto playing with the sexy fairies. He also poops a lot, and drinks a lot, and eats a lot. He's good at rearranging things too...
Yeah Noir is out all the time in his fairy grotto playing with the sexy fairies. He also poops a lot, and drinks a lot, and eats a lot. He's good at rearranging things too...

LOL - that's good to know. :)
I know this is probably TMI, but Joakim pooped today, and it was HUGE! I couldn't believe all that poo came out of such a little snake. It was crazy. I upped him to 1 ½ pinkies last time I fed him (I had ½ a pinky sitting around in the freezer, and I was tired of looking at it.) so that's a large part of why he had so much. But still!
Thanks for easing my worries! :D