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King owner looking into Corns


New member
I've been looking into getting a third snake recently, and I seem to have taken a bigger interest in Corns then another King. The adult King I have is a constant bite risk (got her at 3 years old, taming her has been a losing battle), and the yearling is constantly trying to get away while happily crapping on my stuff (*sigh*). I'm hoping a Corn will be different, 'cause at this point snakes are falling far short of my hopes for them.

Another reason Corns are coming out ahead is my desire to have each snake look completely different from the rest. There are a lot of King patterns to be had, but not many that I personally like. The only ones I've really keyed in on are these Lavender Snow Kings (but for $250 shipped I'll pass), and the gold Thayeri Kings (they only get to 2-3 feet, though, and I want a bigger snake then that).

So I've been looking into Corns instead, and have been going over as many of them as I can. This listing of the various morphs was quite helpful, and Walter Scott's page was excellent to go through (which I have done many times now :crazy02:).

I don't like any of the red or orange Corns, nor any of the ones with red eyes. I liked the Snow Corns with the pink eyes, but then I found out that they turn yellow when they grow up, and I don't like that look at all. The Miami snakes are excellent in white with dark red markings, but I don't think those really exist. They're okay in silver w/dark red, but in either case I don't like the bright red or orange markings one bit. Okeetee's have some potential with the right color combos, and the various grey Anery/Ghost/etc. ones are also nice.

I'm rather torn, so I'm not sure yet which direction I'll go. Shipping prices tend to ruin things for me, as do the prices on terrariums. I'm really not in a position to spend money, but at the same time I'm kinda drowning over here and need something to pull me up. :shrugs:

Pics of my Kings, a banded California and a mosaic Brooks:






Hey, I know a way to save about $50 on your purchase... I'm in Mesa too!

Check out my website to see what's available or send me an email.
Welcome! I hope you find a corn snake that will meet your needs. You might want to consider a Sterilite tub for your corn, at least at first. They are cheap, work great. You just have to get some small holes into it. A hot glue gun will work to melt the holes, but a cheap soldering iron from Harbor Freight, Home Depot or Lowes works better. And you can get the terrarium when you can better afford it.

Spend whatever extra you can getting a morph you really like. Be sure and read up on the morphs you are interested in here. As you've learned, their colors can change as they get older. I look at some of the pippies and wonder what the attraction is, other than a cute little snake, then I see an adult and go Wow!

Best of luck.
I like corns better than kings :*) My king always tried to eat me. I've only ever had one of my corns use me as a toilet, and they very rarely bite. Welcome!!
I've been looking through all the morphs and what they become as adults, and man... the color changes these Corns go through is just insane. I'm starting to get why some breeders don't bother posting pics of their hatchlings for sale, 'cause what difference does it make what they look like now?

I'm beginning to like the grey/orange Miami's, 'cause everything else seems notably worse. The only ones I actually like as adults are the Poppycorns, but they're already grown up and they cost 10x as much as the Miami's. Coral Ghosts have some potential at only 4x the price, but they're just as likely to end up looking like crap.

Anyway, it looks like I'll be getting a Miami from SnickerSnakes, which likely means I'll be getting the sweetheart snake I've been hoping my Kings would become. Here's a pic of one of the hatchlings, along with the father that they'll turn into:


  • Miami Baby D and Milky-3.jpg
    Miami Baby D and Milky-3.jpg
    237.3 KB · Views: 85
That is great Rake! She does have some lovely snakes and I hear consitantly good things about her here from other breeders.

An aside, if you use someone else's picture, be sure you've asked their permission first, even if it is from here, and when posting say used with permission of so and so. I've seen them deleted before. They want to keep everything very above board here, or at least that is my impression.

If Corns stayed the way they look as hatchlings, they'd be the most awesome and beautiful snakes on Earth. Freaking Tigers would have to bow to them. It's like they went out of their way to choose color combos for the adults that I would not like. :(
If Corns stayed the way they look as hatchlings, they'd be the most awesome and beautiful snakes on Earth. Freaking Tigers would have to bow to them. It's like they went out of their way to choose color combos for the adults that I would not like. :(

haha, most corn babies look the same to me! Except I have to say, when it comes to normals, I WISH they stayed as dark as when they were hatchlings. Like my normal motley was soooo dark when he was little. Now he's all orange. It's funny because I used to really dislike orange snakes, and now I have 6 of them, all technically different colors, but still orange. Now, my ghosts both look like regular ghosts as babies, however, the one is a specter, so she is now turning pink at a year old, and the other is a coral ghost, so she will be pink. But I can see where you're coming from with how the colors change.
I think, if you get one of these Miami babies, you will be very pleased with the temperament. They have been super outgoing and friendly since the day they hatched. You can't say a snake will _never_ bite, especially a hatchling, but some clutches are snippier than others. This is a non-bitey clutch! They want to be out, and be with people.

I see you have posted a picture of Mllky and his baby. I bred that snake! I'm so proud of him.
haha, most corn babies look the same to me! Except I have to say, when it comes to normals, I WISH they stayed as dark as when they were hatchlings. Like my normal motley was soooo dark when he was little. Now he's all orange. It's funny because I used to really dislike orange snakes, and now I have 6 of them, all technically different colors, but still orange.

This sounds a bit like my Cal. I wanted a black one with small white bands, like I remember them looking out in the desert (example). I didn't want a white one with dark bands, it had to be black with white bands. And I hated the ones that were either brown or yellow, no way would I have that! So what do I end up with? A white one with dark brown bands, and now I don't like any of the other combos. :roflmao:
If Corns stayed the way they look as hatchlings, they'd be the most awesome and beautiful snakes on Earth. Freaking Tigers would have to bow to them. It's like they went out of their way to choose color combos for the adults that I would not like. :(

What about bloodreds, though, or fires, or Okeetees? Kind of nondescript as hatchlings, and then they blossom into vivid, blazing adults!

Or lavenders. Boring mocha color at hatching, then they turn "purple!"
I have two kings. The male is quite macho I guess you would call it and the girl is the sweetest thing in the world. It's strange but I guess they are just like people, no two are the same. I also have five corns and all five have a different personality but none of them are biters.

I'm not a professional by any stretch of the imagination but I would personally recommend Corns to anyone wanting to get into snakes. They rarely bite, they are well tempered when handling, don't get gigantic and are easily enough cared for. I especially like the fact that when handling corns will actually move around unlike bp's that find a warm spot and stop moving all together.

Anyway Good Luck with your new corn. From what I've read on these forums you've picked an excellent breeder to buy from.
Snows don't necessarily turn yellow, they get a yellow wash down the sides of their necks and a hint of it to their saddles. I have a 7 year old snow that is just beautiful to me, that yellow wash really sets off his pink eyes and the different shades of pearly whites. Still an overall white snake.
I have your baby, B, out right now. He's just chilling in one hand. He'll stretch out as far as he can and tongue-flick my face. If I set him on my desk, he'll slowly move around, exploring everything carefully. I think you're going to love him!
I have your baby, B, out right now. He's just chilling in one hand. He'll stretch out as far as he can and tongue-flick my face. If I set him on my desk, he'll slowly move around, exploring everything carefully. I think you're going to love him!

Yay! Tell him I said hi! :wavey:
I have your baby, B, out right now. He's just chilling in one hand. He'll stretch out as far as he can and tongue-flick my face. If I set him on my desk, he'll slowly move around, exploring everything carefully. I think you're going to love him!

Oh Nanci, you tease! But sounds like a sweet little one. Good luck to you "rake." I know I couldn't be happier with my new corn snake! She's just everything one could want in a snake pet, and what Nanci is describing is exactly the way my baby acts. Enjoy!

I just saw an orange on orange Corn that I actually like. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the most awesome looking Corn I've ever seen. First pic on this page, so I guess it's called a Tessera?