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King owner looking into Corns

Yup, that' a Tessera! I've got a cool future project planned using these two snakes!


  • Gartersnake Rack 002_800.jpg
    Gartersnake Rack 002_800.jpg
    268.3 KB · Views: 28
  • Raven First Feed-4.jpg
    Raven First Feed-4.jpg
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What really does it for me on that specific snake is that the spine stripe has boxes jutting out from it, breaking it up. I typically don't like the striped look on snakes, but that one has enough variation that it doesn't really look like a stripe to me. Is this a common thing with them, or is that a somewhat rare pattern? Nanci's snake has it where the tail hangs down over the box, but the rest is normal stripe. Google searches for them tend to result in pics with normal stripes as well. Tessera's cost roughly $8,000,000 each, so I won't have one any time soon, but it's something I'm gonna be following.

Pic I made up to try and illustrate the boxy stripe pattern:


  • Tessera stripe.jpg
    Tessera stripe.jpg
    16.4 KB · Views: 22
Keep your eyes on the skies! Tesseras can be reproduced in the first generation, so the price is going down rapidly now that hobby breeders are producing them and the supply is increasing. They should be well within reach in a couple of years.
Oh, you prefer a more aberrant stripe. That's pretty easy to find with Tessera. I'm the opposite- I prefer the perfect stripe. Except- some aberrant stripes are really cool. IF they are symmetrical.
Aberrant stripe Tessera then? Excellent! :crazy02:

Maybe I can get one some day, and one of the Poppycorns at the same time too! Add those to the Miami, and I think that would be quite the collection. :D
Welcome to forum! (I'm not too far from you.)

I have never owned a king snake, but my boyfriend had one that was just a nasty little bugger. It was pretty, but it always wanted to bite and musk me. Conversely, the only king snake I ever caught was super docile. It had the skinny white bands you were talking about (although looking at the picture again, I guess they're a bit more yellow than I remember). Here's a picture of it:


There are very few corn morphs that I DON'T like, but I especially like the striped morphs, as well as the yellows and reds.