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Labeling hatchlings

ah ok that really helps out. well im really looking forward starting my own breeding.

if you dont mind me asking, i see you have a clutches tab. how do you go about labeling your clutches and hatchlings in the spreadsheet?
Dad-Mom-clutch number for that year-2-digit year code.....like HG44B09. More details in my first post in this thread. My clutch tab just shows that code, the genetics of the male, genetics of the female, date of first breeding (and later breedings), date of pre-laying and post laying sheds (at least the pre-laying), date of rebreedings (and the male used), etc. I also list a set of numbers in the file and on each box of eggs: 14-2-3 would mean 14 good eggs, 2 bad eggs, and 3 iffy looking eggs (that almost always turn out to be bad eggs). In hindsight, I should have done good-maybe-bad eggs in that order since it is more logical.......but I started with the good-bad-maybe order since that's how I had seen it done elsewhere before. It'd be confusing for me to change no since all of my old records would be a different order than the new ones.
So: AG302C08M

C- third clutch of the year
08- year

Before you have the clutch sexed, say you have 12 babies, how do you differentiate between them all, or do you?
Great thread. Thanks for sharing your process Graham and KJ. And special thanks, KJ, for being so kind as to show us your actual spread sheet. Now that I can wrap my mind around.
I keep a....LOL....very very similar database on my chupacabras...Ahem...I mean my clients.
So: AG302C08M

C- third clutch of the year
08- year

Before you have the clutch sexed, say you have 12 babies, how do you differentiate between them all, or do you?

I don't pay attention to any hatchling until it starts to eat. Even at that, I don't personally mark each one with a different code UNTIL it becomes a keeper and it gets its own alphanumeric code. If AG302 has 6 males, they all share the same clutch code (AG302M08). Hence, I don't think of it as a snake code in my mind: just a clutch code. I was just saying you COULD do that longer code if you wanted. I don't.

Personally, and this isn't what will work for everyone, I use the A-B-C for first, second, and third clutches (AG302C09) and replace it later with M or F if I sex it (AG302M09) as a hatchling to keep it as short as possible. The clutch code is more of a monitoring thing than a record thing while I have multiple clutches from the same female, anyway.....and if that female gets bred to more than one male that year, the clutch code would be like AG-AH302B09. It happens sometimes - especially for double clutches. This system needs the addition of that hyphen for that to be used, but it still seems to work for me.

very very similar database on my chupacabras...

All I've got to say is......
lol vetusvates..and once again kjun we all really appreciate your help. i wonder if there are any other methods out there that someone is really willing to share with us.
Sorry to bring this back from the dead! But I have a large number of AFTs so I'm trying to organize them better. So let me get this straight. My first 2 geckos male stripe and female stripe.
Male: 1
Female: A
Clutch: 1AA11(gender)(number)
Ex: 1AA11M3 3rd male from the 2011 clutch of Male A and Female 1