lovin' my sweet corns
the really yellow one in the first pair is the sunkissed silver queen,right? it's amazing! 
Congratulations on the first clutch! Here's hoping for more soon. The females surely wouldn't have mated if they weren't still in the frame for fertile eggs? Fingers crossed for you.
oh wow-I didn't know sunkissed aneries got that yellow as they got older-I've only seen the babies-so cool
oh-oops-that was the post I meant --first pair on second page of comments lol,I see a yellow snake in the first pair on the first page too--sorry I was tired last night when I wrote that LOL
The male of this pair attempted so many times to hook-up and I left them alone for a while as he was having troubles.
He's only a few months shy of 2 years old but was showing interest in his tub so figured I'd give him a chance.
The female is an Ultramel Sunkissed.
The male is a hypo butter het diffused sunkissed
(if you couldn't tell, sunkissed projects are my favorite!!)