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Latex gloves?


New member
There seems to be a lot of 'my snake is being grouchy' threads at the moment, and im afraid mine is one of them..

The past week Jynx has been striking at me as soon as my hand enters his viv. I feed him outside the viv so surely he isn't associating my hand with food, and i handle him every day (apart from after he has fed). He shed a couple of weeks ago too so i don't think he is going into the blue again, he hasn't shown any signs of it.

So, i have an idea, by feeding the snake outside the viv you are conditioning him/her to realise that by putting your hand in its viv you are not going to pick him up (if that makes sense?)

SO! If i were to wear latex gloves when i go to handle him, im pretty sure he wouldn't strike because i doubt he would like the smell or the taste of the gloves? does anyone think this is a good idea?
That's what I mentioned in another post-it seems to have slowed/stopped my corn from biting me. I tried gardening gloves, but thought they didn't look enough like my hands. So I tried latex gloves-first time he turned around and flat out chewed on my thumb, I let him until he let go. Since then he's only bluff striked a few times, and hasn't latched on. He' s in themiddle of a blue phase so I'm leaving him alone......we'll see how it goes.

The breeder I got him from said that if the temp in the room has dropped, he might want to go hibernate... so I raised the temp in his tank a bit and he seems less snappish.......... :)
thanks for that, i must have missed your post!! Sorry about that :rolleyes: I'm definitely going to give the latex gloves a go.. i am just a bit worried, because he hasn't actually chomped on me yet, so i know when he does its going to really shock me and I'm worried it will hurt, so maybe me being skitty with him is making him do the same back with me... does it hurt when a juvenile bites?

Thanks :)
No. Their teeth are pretty small and with the rubber gloves, it shouldn't be able to penetrate at all. My yearling did get me in the crook of the elbow. It hurt at first, but the subsequent chewing really didn't. It was weird!
Well, this morning i opened Jynx's viv to check he was ok, lifted up one of his hides and he came from the other direction and latched on to my hand then let go straight away! Gave me the shock of my life! I was so suprised how much it bled as well!

Well i bought some latex gloves, and tonight is feeding night so lets hope he doesn't go for me..
I have always just reached in and picked them up no matter what they are doing. I totally ignore strikes, tail shaking, chewing and everything. I have found that as soon as you get them in your hand they calm down.
i think thats what i am going to have to do just put up with it until he calms, thing that gets me is that he's always been so docile! :shrugs:
Yeah it sounds like you are just going to have to let him strike at you. Eventually he will figure out that there is no responce from it and calm down.

With responses like that though he must be a great feeder!
oh he is!! i dont think he has ever refused a meal! He gobbles up his food so quickly! Well he had a feed last night so ill leave him to sulk for a few days while he digests..
It's funny I've got a little '05 girl that is also very snappy and as soon as she realizes you've invaded her territory she starts lunging. She's only about 10 grams has drawn blood before. She'll even latch on to you when you are holding her. And despite her attitude it takes her a good 20 minutes before she'll even touch her food. Once she gets put back in her tub she'll lunge at the side if she sees me. I've considered latex gloves, but figure I'll try to tough it out first.
I have a normal corn like that she was just an ornery one but she eventually quit striking after daily handling (except after feeding) for about a year. She still rattles at me but she is a year old now and she hasn't bitten me in a couple months.
You thery is right i have had my corn snake for a month now and mine was acting the same i decided to put a sock on my hand when i go to get it so it knows that i am not going to hurt it and it knows im going to be handling it. I tried laytex gloves dont use these and the snakes dont like the feel of them and stresses them out. Just try a sock lol

Well, I have a San diego gopher I pick up with a knitted glove and I ignore the striking if he's alert. Most of the time I get to surprise him and once he's out he never strikes or bites.
He really is a moody bugger. I am going to try the sock idea! He is so defensive now, as soon as i walk near his viv he is up at the window knocking against the glass and if i open it to get him out then he 'gets in my face' thats the only way of putting it...

I say that because his viv is on a chest of drawers and me being small (four foot eleven) he is at my height...

I can't get to him when he's like that, i'm quite a nervous person and it scares me when he's so quick when he strikes, so me being nervous is obviously making him nervous too!!

But i know that if i leave him to sulk, the more hostile he will become. I have got to pull my act together and show him who's boss!! :twoguns:
with the sock idea i just a thought idk but my theory is that snakes uses heat sensory organs and the sock muffles the heat so it doesnt know where u r as much but idk. What i do is i av a bit of the sock hanging off my hand so when its about to strike i put that bit on top of its head and it seems to calm down straight away idk why tho. good luck
I don't think i could just let him strike at me with a glove. My reflex is to pull back. I have one that is a pain... and he does scare me he strikes at my face sometimes...i wish there was a training school for snakes like there is for dogs... LOL
First few times I had to pick my gopher up I was sweating a lot 'cause of nerves being in overdrive but now I can restrain myself from withdrawing if he strikes. I don't drop it when he does 'cause I now the pain of the strike will be ignorable but it will be a pain in the ass to tell the snake who's boss again!
this is quite embarressing.. i thought that when jynx bit me it hurt quite a bit, but i think 90% of that was the shock and adrenalin pumping.. but still! i thought it was quite sore.. i'm just worried what he will be like as an adult!! :sidestep:

:-offtopic I have noticed his colours have changed a lot in the past week or so... he is anery but he has produced yellow all down the side of his body... ii will try and get some piccies up!! I don't think i have seen that kind of colour on a corn before.... :shrugs: