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live feeding now/FT later

Dang never mind good lord. I was going to feed fuzzys live then prekill the jumpers and full grown. jeez

If your snake eats f/t food now, and if you are a good decent person, you should continue feeding f/t.
However, if you are a sadistic cruel POS, then keep to your plan.....
Hey Newguy, sorry you got pounced on. This is a verrry hot topic for us here. We have seen too many injured snakes from rodents trying to protect themselves. Not to mention it is much more humane to euth them before feeding your snake. I find personally that F/T is much cheaper than live anyways.

Glad to hear you have rethought things :)
It's fortunate you found out what the consequences are through others' experiences, not your own. Look at this guy who is currently recovering from a bite from being fed live.
hmm, does anybody on this site feed live with no consequences or is the consensus not to?

The consensus among educated, responsible, experienced and caring keepers is not to ever feed live.

If you have a baby, do they ride loose in the car, or do you use a car seat?
lol fair enough..but in all fairness it does sound like you may be a tinsy bit biased :). Just wondering if there were any other "educated responsible, experienced, caring" keepers who fed live prey?
There's a quote for what you want to hear:

"It's never a problem until it's a problem."

So, yes, there are plenty of people who feed live with no ill effects... so far. Is it a risk you are willing to take? Are you willing to spend hundreds of dollars attempting to save your snake when it is more humane from both directions to feed frozen-thawed, or pre-killed prey? Remember with the statement "that stuff only happens to someone else" that you are that someone else's someone else.
lol fair enough..but in all fairness it does sound like you may be a tinsy bit biased :). Just wondering if there were any other "educated responsible, experienced, caring" keepers who fed live prey?

Of COURSE I'm biased! I prefer my snakes alive and unscarred.
I also loathe uneccessary cruelty towards ANY living thing.

Are there any responsible experianced caring parents that let a baby ride loose in the car? Chances are, the baby would be fine....but why chance it?
and starsevol, i definitely see where you're coming from. At first i was leaning towards the live feeding way (could you tell? haha). But that's starting to really sound bad. Iv had my corn for 2 weeks and fed him twice (live..unfortunatly). But he's a baby and im pretty sure he will get used to F/T. PLus, he's been eating his pinkies so quickly i doubt he even knows they are alive
and starsevol, i definitely see where you're coming from. At first i was leaning towards the live feeding way (could you tell? haha). But that's starting to really sound bad. Iv had my corn for 2 weeks and fed him twice (live..unfortunatly). But he's a baby and im pretty sure he will get used to F/T. PLus, he's been eating his pinkies so quickly i doubt he even knows they are alive

I'm pretty sure he will too. Right now I have 31 corns, 4 rosy boas and a blotched king and all eat thawed food with no problem at all.