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LIVE: In Viv or Seprate Container??


Snakes and more Snakes
I normally feed frozen thawed but, having a feeding problem with my 2yr old male whos been off food for 7 weeks now. So Im gonna try feeding a live hopper mouse to him tonight. Should I put the mouse in his regular tub. Or should I put him in a seperate feeding container with the live mouse?? Any suggestions, I dont feed live to my snakes unless I have to. Thanks Amanda
I used to feed live mice in my snake's normal habitat, watching it come out to 'hunt' the mouse.

I have since found out that in so doing, you may be conditioning your snake to understand that what comes into it's habitat is food and it might start biting. Better to remove your snake from it's habitat and put it in a separate feeding container.

Frankly, when I thought about it, there's still no difference between putting the mouse in one container or the other, because you're still reaching into a container to remove the snake, whether it's the normal habitat to feed or handle the snake, or the feeding container to remove it after eating.

In my logical sense of thinking, the snake would be more prone to biting the hand that reaches into the feeding container to remove the snake after eating. Normally, you would not want to handle your snake after feeding, so if you feed it in it's normal habitat, you would not be reaching in there after it eats.

Does anyone else have some insight into the psychology of snakes to offer sage advice on this subject? LOL

new at this

Going to feed my new corn 'jake' this evening. For what it's worth, i've decided to feed him in his vivarium in order to avoid handling him at all after feeding. this is his first feeding with me so i may have to rethink but i'm going to get my husband to handle him while I put the mice in his viv. Then we will just let him slither into his cage and find his dinner a`lready there. this way, i figure, I won't be reaching into the viv with food, so he will not associate my hand with food and no handling after he's eaten. this is just my opinion but i thought i'd add it to the debate.
I would feed in a seperate container. I have a seperate tuberware to let my snakes feed in. I let them eat in it (The tuberware is small enough to fit in the viv) the just place them in the viv with no top on the tuperware and they slither out on their own, eleminating handling them after they eat. You can easily drill holes in a tubberware or steralite and do the same thing I do because the risk of feeding them in their viv is that they might ingest some of their bedding with the mouse. Also if you have them in a seperate container you can monitor the feeding easier than in the viv.
How did you normally feed him? I would just feed him the same way you always did.