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Lizard watching in November

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Kind of nice to be able to see the fence lizards sunning themselves, even in late November. Got kind of chilly last night (one of my external thermometers claims 27.9 degrees), so didn't see any of them out today.



But it is not unusual to see lizards about all year long as long as they can find a reasonably sunny spot to bask in.
I miss all of the anoles when I lived in Florida. They were so numerous you had to be careful not to step on them as you were walking down the sidewalk!
Actually where we are located is one of the few places left where I have still been seeing green anoles instead of the Cubans. The Cuban anoles have pretty much taken over everywhere else in Florida.
They are quite cool looking, for sure! Wish we had some native reptiles, but all we seem to see are giant slugs. Sigh.
