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Looking for new snake


New member
I am ready to get a new corn snake. I want to get a youngster, and have found a cute charcoal baby at a local pet store. I need some good advice. Should I even consider buying from a pet store? I have talked with the people at the store & they assure me he is eating pinkies weekly. Anything else for me to be questioning them about? Or should I be looking elsewhere? One more question. My corn is an adult & I have never had a young one. How will the young one act towards me? Is he or she going to be really rude??? I know they couldn't hurt me, but I want to prepare for the possibility of being struck at. Thanks for all the good advice I know I'll receive! Bigtiny
I'm going out on a limb here and saying that a healthy corn from a clean, well run pet store, that you've seen and are happy with, would be a good purchase. Really check the place out, are the animals well-fed and active with clean water available, are the vivs clean, if you are happy then get the snake.
Wherever you get your next snake from though, quarantine it for at least 6 months away from the corn you already own. Separate rooms if possible, separate feeding tubs, separate tongs if you use them. Always feed/handle/clean out on different days if you can. If it's on the same day, strict hygiene measures between each snake. Be aware that mites can hitch-hike on your clothing or on your skin, as well as travel between vivs, and that they are a vector for disease transmission.
Lastly, the baby may be a biter, it may be calm. Most of mine have struck a couple of times in the early days, some are monsters who still bite me every chance they get, but most grow out of that stage fairly quickly with calm, consistent handling.
Hey Bigtiny,

Long post short - what Diamondlil said

The only true reason I like getting my snakes from the breeder is price. I am a cheap skate and buying from a breeder at a reptile show or meeting them at a Burger King or out front of a Petco and paying half the price a pet store wants is what I do.

Love the Fatman
There is a snake I LOVE at petsmart...
But I know I wont be getting it because they haven`t had mouse shipments in over three weeks - going on four and they haven`t gone out to find mice for it.

It`s also regularly 120 dollars...

Though thinking about it, I really want this snake...
But they also know nothing about it, they didn`t know it`s sex and they were calling it an anery (it was a carmel).
So this would bother me...

I would if you think it`s coming from a clean enviroment that cares about their animals.
If it`s somewhere like the place I mentioned... I wouldn`t and I personally like fatman said... I like breeders prices.
Thanks to all who replied. The pet store I'm looking at is a small family type store & the vivs do appear clean. They are asking $69 for this little charcoal guy. I've been watching him for about 2 months. I am not aware of any reptile shows near me in Ky. Is there somewhere online that I could find out? And is $69 too much for a little guy? My first guy Angus was given to me free, so I don't have any experience with prices. Thanks again, Bigtiny
$69 is more (by about three times) than I sell an anery B for at my store, but not many shop owners are hobby breeders. If you keep the snake for only ten years, that's still just 7 bucks a year. You'll likely spend that in food in one year. If the shop is caring for it properly, they've got a bit invested in purchase price, caging, heat, "rent (all animals have to pay their rent), mice, labor, and in all likelihood they paid shipping to get it to them. I wouldn't call 70 bucks a rip off, just higher than breeder price.

As for attitude, some babies are "whippy," while others are calm. Most fall somewhere in between. Even nervous youngsters almost always calm down with some size.
^^^What Chip said, really.

Any snake is worth what you're prepared to pay for it. You know you can get one cheaper elsewhere, but...

- Have you fallen in love with this particular snake?
- Do you want any Charcoal, or do you really want this little guy?
- Do you trust the shop and are they good enough to warrant the extra $$$ to keep them in business?

Ask yourself...
- If you went in the shop tomorrow and the snake was gone, how would you feel? Would it be OK because now you know what type of Corn you want and you can get it cheaper elsewhere anyway? Or heartbroken that you missed it and will most likely remember it sadly every time you look at the cheaper Charcoal you buy from someone else?

- If you buy the Charcoal from the shop, will you spend the next 15-20 years feeling ripped off and annoyed every time you look in the tank? Or will you think that you were lucky to find the "right" snake and be happy that he was worth his price to you?

Value is a lot to do with your personal preferences and how you *feel*. It's not all about the dollars.
Hey man just wanted to let u know theres a few shows in kentucky. 1 next month but im not sure where and then on nov 14th theres 1 in lexington.
Thanks for the input everyone. Its not that I'm in love with this charcoal, the fact is this is the only little corn snake that I've seen locally. And I'm not set on getting a charcoal, but I do think they are beautiful. I think I'll go ahead & get my viv ready, do some serious looking around & see what happens. I do want my new one to be a little snakie, as I am very interested in seeing the little guy grow up! Peace to all, Bigtiny
Excellent! It's great to see some forward planning and real thought going into the purchasing process. Hope you keep us posted on what you eventually buy.
Buying a snake

If your buying a corn snake:devil01: always research that particular type of morph (what morph they are saying it is) and get some images of it on google also an average baby corn snake shuld be about £30 so $40 ish it all depends on the morph also make sure you get it sexed there as i may be a problem i you wish to breed it in the future and may also in the future run up the cost.
I know alot of people shy away from pet stores but we all love animals and sometimes the "rescue" side of us takes over. "Buyer beware" still applies as you can never be sure what neglect or abuse the animal suffered. While you get a sense of accomplishment when you take a neglected animal and by babying it are able to turn it around into a flourishing, happy snake; there is always the possibility of subjecting yourself to a "horror story" where the snake is unresponsive to the point where it just whithers and dies no matter what you do.

As far as cost, I'm alot like Fatman (love him). A local store may have a snake for $69 while a breeder online has the same snake for $35. You won't have to pay for shipping for the local snake though, so it may work out cheaper overall. Then again, most online breeders are pretty OCD about the snakes details so you'll know hatch date, morph and possible hets, even when and what it fed on last.

I guess the real answer is how much commitment you are willing to make. A breeder snake will more likely be healthy and thriving, while on the other hand, a pet store snake may be harboring unknown health issues which even after spending considerable amount of time, money, and effort ends up in a "crap shoot" where you either end up with a healthy snake, a problem snake, or a dead snake.

Buyer beware.
I was going to suggest if you would like proof that he's eating well, you might be able to ask the pet store what day/time they feed and if they would allow you to see him eat. They may not allow it, but if they do want to sell him, I'd say they would.
Thanks to all. I have decided to wait & attend a reptile show in November in Lexington. I appreciate everyone's responses. I do not plan on breeding my snakes, and definately will keep everyone in separate vivs. Hopefully I will get a healthy youngster who will be around a long time!
Looking at their profile, bigtiny hasn't logged into the message board since October last year. If you send them a PM, it might flag up in their email and prompt them to come back and give an update.
I still just have the one snake. I went to a reptile show in Lex. & did not find any snake that I just had to have. That was my 1st show, and I have a question. Are all babies transported in little plastic cans, about the size of a skoal can? And whenI went back to the pet store, the little charcoal snakie was gone. So I am still looking. Nice to hear from you Anna, and have a friend in Frankfort!
bigtiny: Mom and Pop stores like you are describing can still be good places to get reptiles. The usual talk about pet stores more refers to the big chain stores. It is here that the people looking after the animals are usually not very knowledgeable about what is being sold and how to care for it. There are some exceptions to that rule of course. I know a person who works in a pet store by choice and has a degree related to reptiles.

I think someone elses comments about whether you are seeing the care being what it should be is a very important factor. Asking questions about the animals care would give you indications on whether a purchase from there is acceptable.

As to young ones being biters or striking...Ask to hold the animal. You will see the disposition then. We have two pet stores around here that specialize in reptiles. They are quite knowledgeable and very reliable about the quality of the animals they have. I have bought animals from both and they have all been fine purchases. I might have been able to get the animals from elsewhere cheaper. But it was what I was looking for at the time and available.

Breeders are always my first choice, but just because they came from a breeder does not always guarantee quality. There are bad breeders, just as there are bad stores. You need to ask the same questions of both and make your own determinations.

Hope this helps. (I have a anery hurricane motley that came from a show and a anery charcoal motley that came from a store. Both are absolutely wonderful animals that I love and had no issues with either animal)