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Lump on my new yearling, Zuko


New member

Hi, does anyone know what this hard lump could be? I hope the pick posts correctly!! I bought him Saturday at Repticon and I was so excited I don't remember if it was on him when I brought him home. He was fed live and I think he's going into shed as his eyes are looking blue now. Otherwise he's acting fine. I'm going to try and feed him tomorrow. I hope he transitions we'll to frozen thawed. I know he may not eat if he's going into shed. Ahhhh, I'm such a newbie! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Was the lump already there when you got him or has it just recently come up?

Tumors for the most part are "Slow Growing" so if it's a tumor it would have taken some time to get that size, starting very small and growing slowly.

An infection on the other hand can come on quickly and grow quickly. If the lump came on rather quickly I would say it's an infection.

I have seen snakes that are fed "Live Mice" get bitten by the mice and have a reaction as this. You did not specify so I need to ask - Do you feed live mice? Or did the previous owners feed live mice?

At any rate, I would say a trip to the vet is in order. Doing "Nothing" will probably not fix this.
Welcome to the forum Gette77! How ya been?

Beautiful snake, but I definitely have to go with Karl on this one. I'd take him to a vet ASAP. Don't think you would have purchased him with that lump, since Ray Charles could SEE it. Therefore, if it was just recently noticed, it probably occurred as a result of his being transported or more likely, having been tagged by a live mouse. If it is something internal, that's even more concerning.

Please keep us updated on Zuko's health!!

Good luck!!
Thanks so much for your help. I'm sorry my original post wasn't clear and full of typos! I was so tired and then I had trouble figuring out how to post the pics. When I bought Zuko, I didn't notice the lump. They fed him live mice and I didn't wanna buy him when I found out. However, they assured me he would transition fine to frozen thawed. I'll call the vet today. Thanks again!
Axis1, thanks for the welcome! I'm from Long Island, NY. ��
It looks like I am blind and feeling quite stupid now. I was looking at a pic of Zuko that I took during our ride home and I can see the lump now. I was so excited and anxious that I missed it. ��
I'll post a pic....
Zuko is very pretty.

Is it possible that is a kink? It's hard to tell from the picture. If it is a kink the seller should have disclosed it pre-sale. If in doubt, a reptile vet can tell you. If it is a kink Zuko can live a long and happy life with it.
Thanks DollysMom. I'm hoping it's just a kink. He seems quite happy otherwise. Hopefully, the reptile vet will know what it is exactly.
Zuko is very pretty.

Is it possible that is a kink? It's hard to tell from the picture. If it is a kink the seller should have disclosed it pre-sale. If in doubt, a reptile vet can tell you. If it is a kink Zuko can live a long and happy life with it.

Dollysmom has a great point (as usual!), the seller should be able to tell you and SHOULD have disclosed it PRIOR to the purchase. You should give him or her a call and very politely ask what that is. It MAY be possible you might not need a vet after all.

BTW, if you stick around, you'll see by my general use of language that I wasn't trying to accuse you of being blind in any way, I just have a flare for speaking metaphorically because I'm Italian and I'm from Brooklyn (the combination of which results in a lifelong, quasi-directional bombardment of name-calling, nickname-assigning, and creatively describing everything within my environment, whether it is seen, smelled, heard, tasted, felt or otherwise sensed!). I had 3 nicknames before I even learned what my REAL name was! Just the way it is. :eek1:

In addition to that little detail, I MAY have been dropped, multiple times, on my head, prior to being able to walk! (Have to convince myself that, it IS possible that I may be nuts through no fault of my own!!!) :eek:

In any case, please keep us updated as we are NOW officially invested in Zuko's health & well-being!!!! :crazy02:

(BTW, Zuko is a GREAT name!)
Apparently I thought I posted a comment, but here it was still sitting open on my screen. It looks like a kink to me. If he's done well thus far with it, it will probably not be a problem for him. It's a shame the seller didn't mention it.
Apparently I thought I posted a comment, but here it was still sitting open on my screen. It looks like a kink to me.

I HATE when that happens!! (Was truly wondering where you were, as your knowledge of these issues has recently begged your attention!)

. . . It's a shame the seller didn't mention it.

Doncha think? This is a prime example of NOT living by the Golden Rule (if it was done intentionally, which is POSSIBLE but highly IMPROBABLE).

In any case, how ya been? (Figured you were just on vacation or something!) :crazy02:
depends on where the snake came from.

If it came from a chain store like PetsMart (or similar), do you really think they'd know if a snake was ill, deformed, or damaged and pass that info to the buyer? Most of the people in those stores don't know any more about snakes than the average 9 year old idiot posting on this forum.

And where would you think a store like that gets their stock? My guess - From a breeder no better than they are.

It's not 100% fair to place all the blame on the breeder or seller though. Some of the blame should also lie with the person who walks in and purchases a snake with a huge lump on its side. I wouldn't buy a snake like that. And anyone who does purchase a snake without at least holding it and looking it over, probably shouldn't be a snake owner in the first place.
depends on where the snake came from.

If it came from a chain store like PetsMart (or similar), do you really think they'd know if a snake was ill, deformed, or damaged and pass that info to the buyer? Most of the people in those stores don't know any more about snakes than the average 9 year old idiot posting on this forum.

And where would you think a store like that gets their stock? My guess - From a breeder no better than they are.

It's not 100% fair to place all the blame on the breeder or seller though. Some of the blame should also lie with the person who walks in and purchases a snake with a huge lump on its side. I wouldn't buy a snake like that. And anyone who does purchase a snake without at least holding it and looking it over, probably shouldn't be a snake owner in the first place.

I think the guy said he got it from Repticon, which is an expo.

Anyone that's selling reptiles at an expo should be a considerable step up, as far as I'm concerned. And contrary to popular belief, there ARE some knowledgeable folks working at PetSmart, one of whom is an expert in my eyes and happens to be a member of this forum.

I know I was half-joking about being blind, but what if he was somewhat far-sighted? Doesn't mean the guy doesn't love snakes.

Just sayin'. :crazy02:
Hi Karl. Please don't be cranky. (smile) Gette77 bought it at a Repticon. First snake, very excited, too nervous to notice. Hopefully he has a card and can contact the seller, if for no other reason than to say, "Hey, you sold me a snake with_____." A trip to the vet is in order to fill in the blank and rule out something serious, I hope. If it is a kink, since the snake is already a yearling, it should still be a good pet. (fingers crossed and prayers)
My first thought was "I wonder why it goes IN on the opposite side?" which suggests possibly a kink rather than an infection, I think. It's easy to miss a lot when they're in those deli cups and with the excitement of a show, and not wanting to feel like you're wasting anyone's time, etc. And being new to this you really don't know what you're looking for anyway, so it's really understandable. You learn through either making mistakes like this, or through reading about other people's mistakes like this, so thank you for sharing.

Also, there's a certain amount of assumption that the breeder will tell you if there's something wrong with the snake, which most breeders will. It's really unfortunate that this one didn't, and you should definitely send him an email with pictures asap to point out that *something* is wrong. He may be able to fill you in on details once asked/confronted, or the vet should be able to help you figure it out. If it turns out to be a kink that the breeder didn't disclose or won't acknowledge, you can always leave a review on ... shoot, I think it's called the Board of Inquiry??... to warn others about this breeder's practices. But hopefully it doesn't come to that.

It looks like I am blind and feeling quite stupid now. I was so excited and anxious that I missed it. ��

It's not 100% fair to place all the blame on the breeder or seller though. Some of the blame should also lie with the person who walks in and purchases a snake with a huge lump on its side. I wouldn't buy a snake like that. And anyone who does purchase a snake without at least holding it and looking it over, probably shouldn't be a snake owner in the first place.

As far as kicking people while they're down, Karl, I don't think your assessment was quite fair. I've bought snakes without holding them and looking them over, as they were purchased on the internet and shipped to me. I've also noticed things about snakes that I did hold at the show, but didn't notice until I got home. Are you suggesting that I shouldn't own snakes then either? Yes, buyer beware, absolutely, but I think that was a little harsher than necessary to a new owner who has already stated in a very humble way that they know they screwed up and is feeling stupid and is asking for help now. This in no way means that a person won't provide a safe and loving home for their pet.
I'm female btw.
I got Zuko from a breeder at Repticon. I will give him a call and ask some more questions. They were very busy and they were also selling cages and such. I did hold him and was looking him over. He got stressed out as they took him from me and sexed him. Then when they gave him back to me he was tense and I really didn't notice the lump. I usually have a keen attention to detail and have owned & loved many animals in my life. No snakes though.

Axis1, I totally get your convo style as my hubby is Italian and from Queens, NY. However, I do have quite a strong prescription for my glasses lol!

Thanks everyone for the support. I feel really bad about all this. Zuko, has been great and I feel upset that I missed this on him. Things happen and I'm not perfect. I'll post an update when I find out more. Thanks.