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Male or Female


New member
I'm just curious as to what sex this corn may be. I've always said male because the tail is so long. I know that examining the tail is no substitute for probing, but I am just curious to hear other people's opinion.

This snake is around 38" long and about a year and a half in age.

P.S.- Sorry for the bad photo quality.



  • tail1.jpg
    39.7 KB · Views: 140
Another shot of the tail

Just another shot of the tail.


  • tail2.jpg
    30.8 KB · Views: 136
Looks like a female to me, but I am relatively new to corn snakes. Just a guess. To me, it seems the tail tapers off right away, after the cloaca, which is like my females.

Just a thought.
I think the base of the tail looks quite thick so I'm gonna disagree and say male :(

Thanks for the replies guys.

I guess the general consensus will be "male". I don't ever plan on breeding snakes so it's not crucial that I know the sex for sure. I was just curious!